Is sinusitis AI related? | Arthritis Information


I have always had allergies and sinusitis scince i was a kid. It was just under more control before than what it has been lately. I do not really seem to even feel allergic as in the itchy eyes and constant sneezing thing. It just seems like they swell, my sinuses. Well it hurts of course. So thats why it seems strange. Less like an allergie but more swelling, just seems odd. See specialist march 11th.What kind of medication are you on? I had reoccuring sinus infections while on Humira. Never really had much problem with that before Humira.....and haven't had much problem since being off of it. No idea if it was related or not....but it seemed like it to me.

Hope the specialist can shed some light on things. Good Luck.
I too had the sinus infections from Humira and since stopping I havent had them again. Maybe something you are taking Milly is triggering the infections off.milly, I am on week 11 or 12 of my current sinus infection