Enbrel and MTX question | Arthritis Information


Howdy y'all!  Quick question:
Does anyone else who takes a biologic and MTX still feel draggy and tired the day AFTER the day after the shots?  I normally take mine on Saturday night, and last week I was still dragging on Monday.  This week I took the shots on Sunday night (I forgot to refill my syringes on Sat) and now its Tuesday and I'm still dragging.  Any thoughts?
Hope everyone is having a great Tuesday!
I don't have any tiredness after I take my Enbrel on Tuesday nights.  I take my MTX pills on Friday night with dinner and I'm exhausted all day Saturday and Sunday.Never been fatigued on Enbrel alone. But I know MTX does a number on me. Notice a huge difference when I discontinued the MTX. Now soley on Enbrel and feel great.I don't get tired after Enbrel, but the day (or two) after mtx is a different story.  I  always wondering if I'd be better w/o the mtx.  I've been given the okay to decrease mtx slightly to see if it makes a difference, so we'll see.   But, they say the combined is better? 

enbrel never bothered me.  mtx i was on for at least 12 years it made me so sick.  for 2 days after taking it i felt like i had the vomiting virus.   i took 5 pills, and at one point they put me on the liquid mixed in orange juice.  it was in shot form but my doctor had me drink it.  i finally weaned myself off of it when i got on remicade, but i know there is that posibility i will be back on it again in the future. it does make you tired.Thanks for the replies y'all.  It probably is just the MTX affecting the tiredness, and I just happen to take the Enbrel at the same time.  It's good to know two days of tiredness are fairly normal (I know, define normal lol).  Thanks again y'all and hope everyone has a good night!
Hi Kristin, I don't take mtx but I do enbrel and it does make me tired for a couple of days. I take my shot on Monday and sometimes feel tired until Weds. feel great on Thurs, Fri, and Sat. but by Sun I feel it wearing out. I have only been on it a couple of months, so I am hoping it does more for me.
hang in there girl
take care
I am only on methotrexate, and i take them on a wednesday night. I feel like i have been drugged for about 2 days afterwards, i usually end up asleep on the sofa for 2 hours after dinner for 2 days running, and have no energy at all, i am just pleased all my children are at school while i am like this, gives me time to rest.I didn't realize my MTX was making me tired but come to think of it- I take it only Mondays and Mon & Tues after working all day at the office I fell asleep in my chair after dinner. See I  usually go to my "other desk" (husband's business) after dinner so tired or not I don't fall asleep.

I just started the injections of mtx. and and wow!  I can't believe how fast it affected me.  I injected at 2:30 pm and by 7pm that night  I was down.  Barely getting back up, and today is Friday.  My Humira comes today, first time, but I wonder if there is a downtime to that, as well?  Any suggestions?  I'm thinking about waiting til Sun. or Mon to start it.  I need to be "good " this weekend.

Lisa M.

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