im a science dork :) i LOVE arthritis | Arthritis Information


I Honestly LOVE autoimmune diseases. lol that sounds strange right? Of course i dont LOVE having them and having a very messed up overreactive immune system, but i find them so interesting. I love talking to people about them and learning about other autoimmune diseases that i have never heard of it. I had a great talk with one of my professors today about autoimmunity. I really think that my own diseases have made me more interested in science. I love learning about them because its soooo relevent! I find them facinating. of course i wish i didnt have to deal with them and that we were all healthy, but this is one positive side to me having theses diseases. I think they are what got me interested in biology-that and my amazing teachers :) SOOO yea feeling very optimistic today and just wanted to share :)

in other news my new meds are not working on my joints yet but perhaps making me feel better mentally lol they are antidepresents so i guess its possible. ive been unussually sleepy though im always very tired but ive been going to bed hours earlier then normal because i cant stay awake and function. fun right? im supposed to be a crazy college student who parties all night lol not me.

alrighty back to studying. hope you guess are having a nice day-if not pain free at least optimistic :) this is the not pain free in anyway but still very very happy and just unussually optimistic and cheery lol Dear LittleMermaid -

Become a researcher and SAVE US!
P.S.  The Nobel Prize awaits!
Pip.....I'm waiting for YOU to do that!!haha sorry pip....i want a job working more directly with people lol like physical therapist!!!I obviously love science since I teach Biology. One of my students has a mom with RA. She told me that she is going to become a doctor and she will find a cure for us. Sweet kid---and very dedicated to her mom.I am the exact same way!
Once i found out i had RA, i have read article after article after article on what works, what doesn't, what works for some, natural treatments, chemical treatments, reactions to meds and why it happens etc. etc. etc.
I totally hate this disease, but my goodness it is fun to learn about because there is just so much information coming in every day on how things work.  It is one very complex disease.
I also get the same way about allergies, i learn everything i can possibly find on dairy allergy, celiac disease, mold allergies, chemical sensitivity etc. everything that I currently suffer from.
I never thought that science would interest me so much.  But, thanks to all the studies i have done, i have diagnosed myself with the dairy allergy that my doctor agrees that i have, multiple chemical sensitivity which he also agrees i have, i know what foods i can and can't eat etc.
This is one very interesting disease, I think the thing that pulls me in is that it is different in everyone.  Some have small pains (that still hurt them horribly) some have large pains, some can go to work and exercise, some can't get out of bed, some get worse with foods or allergies while others get worse with weather and chemicals that they eat or breathe etc. etc. etc.
I just hope that one day there will be something to cure us all or at least hold it off for a very long time with just one shot.
PLEASE all get together and cure us!! You probably stand a better chance then some of the docs out there.wysone2008-02-26 20:35:51too bad i dont love lab. 4.5 hours of lab today sooo hard on the joints...i have a stool but its not always possible to sit when you are pippetting and using flames lol not sure if im SO optimistic today lol my joints suck and i couldnt sleep. but whatever. we are doing interesting stuff in my genetics class today!OK, we ALL get together and find our cure - hey - nobody is as motivated as us, right?
LittleMermaid -  Have you taken those intro med classes yet?  (lure, lure)
