Rituxan | Arthritis Information


Is there anyone on the board that will not try Rituxan because of the side effects?  I may be starting this during the next couple of months and to be honest I am very nervous.

hi,i am slowly failing humira. I have run thru all other meds and am down to rituxan. I am scared to go on it because I had infusion issues with the others.When the first line in the warnings says this drug may cause death,it tends to grab my attention.I have heard good an bad so am having a hard time deciding what to do. I think I will ride the fence on this med for awhile longer......I have refractory RA and have had very good success with Rituxan.(the only med that has worked really well for me) I haven't had any significant side effects from it. Hi, I am on Rituxan, every 12 weeks.  Had 2 doses so far this year.  I am on it as maintainence after chemo for lyphoma.  Anyhow the only side effect I have is that metal taste, and that lasts about a week.  Is it helping the RA, not that I can tell. Look, it's a serious drug there is no denying that but honestly I don't think it's side effects are any more dangerous than others.

Yes, there is an
anaphylactic shock risk which is why the infusions take so long as the drug has to be administered slowly in small increments so the body can assimilate it. On my first infusion this did happen to me, I started sweating and itching but that is why it is done in hospital so you are carefully monitored and you are in my experience. When I had that reaction very quickly I was given Phenergan through my canula and within less than a minute the reaction stopped. Now I am just given Phenergan in my premed. Second infusion, no problems. Nor had I had any side effects of any kind since.

Yes, one needs to know the risks of a drug like Rituxan but it is easy to get scared but all the 'supposed' side effects. They are legal obligated to tell us as patients what 'may' happen, doesn't mean it is going to happen. They just cover their bases. Sure, side effects do happen but probably more often they don't.

If you need Rituxan, take Rituxan. Every DMARD we may take has risks and side effects but if it works and makes you well, then my philosophy is to go for it.

I haven't had the luxury of choosing or not choosing a drug. I have to get well. I have one left to try after Rituxan, Orencia. I have a child to raise as a singe parent so that means I have to have a good go at anything that may make me feel better.

Do your research. Talk to people who are on it. Don't be persuaded by the 'hype' about risks and side effects. After all, just breathing everyday is a risk...who knows what may happen to any of us.  
Cordelia2008-02-26 21:20:38Hi, after trying so many medications and have little relief I have now been on Rituxan for a little over a year. I have had three infusions. This is the first medication that has really made a difference. My sed rate is in the normal range for the first time since RA hit. I still am scared of some of the risk, but my pain level was so high for three years 24/7 that I felt I needed to try. No, I am not 100% back, but I am out living life again and happy. When my first grandson was born I was nervous about holding him and afaid I would drop him. Second grandson came after Rituxan and I never had that thought at all. Now I appreciate all the little things that I can do. Best of luck to you, and I sincerely hope you can find something that helps you feel better soon.
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