Sober and Sorry | Arthritis Information


Hey you all, I just want to say a big "I'M SORRY" for my words.  Had a few to many and watched way to much news.  Drunk and angry don't mix.  I am just so broken hearted for these people as I know all of you are.  Alot of you have been a big help to me these past few months and I know I've angered alot of you. Hope I will be forgiven....if not I understand.




All forgiven, by me.  Guess you better adhere to a "Don't drink and post". and becareful drinking with the meds, ok?  Could get a stroke, or coma, muchless destroy liver.

On my forum my hockey friends call that  PWI "posting while intoxicated" 

Forgiven by me as well. Murphette38596.6036226852

All is forgiven

I have had plenty of times that I drank too much and said things I regret.  Probably the only good thing about ra for me is I don't drink alcohol at all since my diagnosis.  Too many meds, not that I am not tempted sometimes

PWI (that's cute murphette) can be a dangerous thing.



                             Glad you're back!!

Thanks soooooo much, I guess I let my mouth (or fingers lol) override my a...  I know I need to watch the drinking, right now I'm just on Arava have just weaned off of Pred.  So far liver enzemes are not elevating, when and if they do guess I'll have to rethink the beverages.

Again thanks,

thinking about joining the witness protection program.....





                             The triplets got a kick out of that one


Glad you fessed up and took the heat. Not to cool to drink and post.

       Lesson learned!

I don't talk politics here because it's not really a subject I like to debate; I'm a Republican...but I'm so ashamed of our government right now it makes me very sad. This should not be happening in our country. The hurricane was a natural disaster but those people in those shelters sick...hungry and thirsty is so heartbreaking.

I understand. Alls forgiven here...but don't threaten to leave us next time you aren't too happy with us. Debate it if you like....we're all up for that; but just don't take anything here TOO personally, I have a habit of sticking my foot in my mouth more times than not and I don't want to be afraid of hurting anyones feelings here.

Glad you're staying.


Can you imagine what these people are going to do when they are rescued????   I can see the hate in their eyes....and I can't blame them. How  can you call it looting when they are starving.  The ones walking out with TV's and such are one thing.  But those seeking food and water are a different story. 

I'm in the Food Service profession, If I can only fiqure out a way to get down there and feed these people I would gladly go today.  Why aren't we dropping food and water???? I just don't understand.

Love to all,


Kat if you could figure out a way to do it, I would be first in line to help you.  It is so sad that in today's society such a catastrophe could happen in our country.  It's just not right.  Like Lovie I too am a Republican and I am sick about our government, but that's another story.  We are all touched and sorrowed.  I belong to two rescue groups that are there right now and I feel helpless because I can't physically go and help right now. 

Make sure to include these people in your prayers, and be grateful for what you have.

I don't think they were prepared properly for this hurricane...or any hurricane..the levey's have been worn down for a few years.  How long were they going to be able to house the people in the superdome? They had to know there would be no power...I wonder how much food and water they left at the superdome or the convention center for the people...and why were the people still in the bowl of N.O. when they can look up and watch boats go by above them?  It all makes me ill...

I know that when a hurricane is in the Atlantic to go shopping for food, water, gas up the cars, put the hurricane panels up, make sure trees are trimmed...there's so many things we do to prepare...sometimes we do it for nothing cuz they don't come here..but I know that if they do come, we did all we could.

I feel for the old dying and the poor a mom I see a category 5 hurricane heading this way and I'm gone!  I'd leave things behind and take my kids to safety.  Being prepared is everything..and I do realize that some people don't have the means to prepare..but you see people who are there on vacation!

Ok I'm done for the moment...have to wind down for bed  haven't read or posted for days due to Katrina.  I live in Baytown, Tx., east of Houston.  We already have thousands of people in our community, in churches, community centers, homes.  These people ran out of gas on the freeway.  At least 25,000 people are in the Astrodome now and extra people are being moved to other shelters in Houston area.  Many, many more being moved to other other cities such as San Antonio in Texas as well.   Millions of people have lost everything and the system is overloaded.    Hundreds of thousands are still trying to get out.  It's so overwhelming.  This is not a republic or democrat thing, these are our fellow Americans.  Everyone in our community is giving to the local refugees.   Do you know that it was local businesses from Houston paid for the gas and buses to pick up these people, not the government?  Everyone, please do everything you can.  If you are up north, give to the Red Cross, Salvation Army, do anything you can.  This could have been us.   Can you imagine feeding, clothing, housing the people for weeks on end.  We are providing everything for them, just people in the community.  It's just awful.  The human suffering is horrible.  Please, everyone, do something, anything!!!!  This in KarenNTX and I have not been drinking.Well said Karen and glad you updated us.

I watched the discovery channel last night and I was amazed of how much of Louisana has been taken over by the ocean.It was very helpful and talked about Katrina.No wonder it fluid like it did.I amnot good with geography but never realized that Louisana was so far below sea's like a bowl.

We all say things when were are mad but alcohol really makes matters worse.But I have been known to say some down right ugly things completely sober.But like some of yo already know, I have a dr.'s note to excuse any of my weird and unusual comments and actions.


Ok I am going to tell ya what I am going to do to help out.

Since, me and hubby have only to our name's and have to live off of that for another week and still have to buy food for the next week.

I am going to go let my daughter go play with our neighbors daughter. Our neighbor is in the National Gaurd, he just got back from Iraq about 6 months ago. And his daughter is a daddy's girl, so I know it will be hard on her, now that her daddy is being sent to LA. His branch does water purification. So, they are leaving or already left to go to LA.

His daughter likes it when my daughter comes over and plays with her. She was wanting her to come over and play the other day, but I did not let daughter go over because she has a new baby sister and I did not want my daughter to keep her sister up. I know my daughter can be

So this weekend I will let her go play with her or I might talk hubby into taking all of us to the park.

our tv stations here in nw pa. say another way to help is to donate blood but i've always wondered if it was ok for people like us (with multiple meds in our systems) to donate? does anyone know? with all the bloodwork i get done every month, donating would be a snap! Aunt Lisa,  I was told we can't donate blood on most of our meds.  especially mtx and biologics.  My son took me out to lunch today then we gave some money for the cause.

I can't give blood due to a family blood disease that could be dormant, plus being anemic on top of that.
i would check with your loacal blood drive place (sorry i cant think of the right words today) sometimes you can donate with being on meds.  call them or stop in and ask them.  being anemic though is a different i do remember when i gave blood last, it goes back like 5 yrs (its bad i know)  they asked if i was anemic and if i was i wouldnt be able to give blood.  But it wouldnt hurt to ask if you can while on these meds...Good luck!My rd told me I couldn't.  guys, just a few weeks ago i personally called the red cross about blood donations....MTX is no longer a problem if you wish to donate blood.  the lady i spoke to did not know for sure about biologics but....said to check with your local office.  i'll see if i can find the post again. 

found it. 3&KW=blood+donation
the link to the thread.  and a copy of what i was told.
"I looked this up awile back because someone else asked.  Today I called the local  Red Cross directly.  Their policy has changed...MTX no longer stops you from donating blood.  The Biologic meds, they'd have to get a clearance on.  Those were the ones I asked her about.  She said that of course if you had hot, swollen joints they would ask you to wait until that subsided.  But, basically if you are not actively showing signs of swelling, you can donate, unless you happen to be on a med they do not allow.  Contact your local Red Cross with specific may be surprised at their answers. Let me also note that I did make sure that the lady knew I was referring to RA specifically. "
of course if you have other diseases, you'd have to check with them...or like murphette being anemic.  but just because you have RA and are on MTX does not mean you cannot donate.  Docs don't always know what the red cross policy is.

wayney38597.5633101852Thanks Wayney.  I will inform my doctor.  He must not have been updated.  You are like our own personal RA encyclopedia. 

I'm gonna give blood, if they can't use it guess they will send me a letter.  I watched the concert for relief tonight, that song Aaron Neville sang about the floods was eery (how do you spell that?) and I love "Amazing Grace"  I saw him the one and only time I went to New Orleans.  It was during the jazz festival he was with Linda Ronstant.  I'm so glad I got to go there....I'm sure It will never be the same.  I too didn't realize it was below sea level even when I was there.  Must have had something to do with .00 a shot jiegemeister.....I thought I was well above sea level...

Joonie, helping your neighbours daughter with the fact her daddy is away so much is a wonderful thing. 

You all have a relaxing, pain free labor day....the weather is great in Kentucky,hope to get out and let the sun soothe my aching bones.

Love to all and to all,

Feel better,


Well, I hope they will be home tomorrow. I probably should have called her mom and asked if it was alright if they had a play date tomorrow, but I did not think to ask. If not I will try for Monday or another day.

They do a lot of visiting to other family members when her dad is kinda hard to catch them at home.

But I will try!

Now that is the Kat I love

God Be with our Freinds in the Southland!!!



But I'm not sleepy.........


