Test results finally in | Arthritis Information


Hey guys, just wanted to discuss my results, as I am a little depressed right now. I went into the dr for the third time, now for the third round of blood tests. He said it is definitely rheumatoid arthritis and will start me on Plaquenil as soon as I see the eye doctor. He said that my RA factor was 400 this time, which he said was very high and is elevating at a very high speed. He said that given that, and my other test results (c-something) that I have a very aggressive form and that treatment is needed as soon as possible. Forgive me if I am a little selfish right now, I was really hoping for better news. Well, I know it's hard, but try to look at the up side........

Unlike a lot of people, you've not only found a good doc, you've gotten a swift diagnosis and will be put on treatment very soon. That's awesome! It really is! The faster you're treated the less of your life this is ever going to interfere with.
So for now, just take a deep breath and go with the flow! *hugs* You'll make it!
Your not being selfish.....that's what these forums are for. Everyone here understands how hard this news hits. Try to keep your chin up. What Katie says it so very true. Give it a little time.....it will get easier.
Welcome to the club Sweetie.
I've put up my initial results before I knew I had RA...

You have to see an eye doc to get a base line on your eyes before starting Plaquenil.
Then one about 4 to 6 months later, after that, then probably every twelve months.
Plaquenil can (in some cases) up set the eyes. They need to know so damage is not done.

You are going to be alright..
Is plaq all her is putting you on? I think plaq is more for mild to moderate. Not for severe. Maybe I'm wrong here but seems to me that you should be treated a bit more agressively.Lorster, I thought the same thing.  Hmmmm.  Anyway Schell, Katie's right, their are some positive things you can focus on now. Early treatment makes all the difference.  And you aren't being selfish.  Agressive RA is not an easy thing to swallow, I'm sorry it's gone that way for ya. :( Linncn2008-02-27 16:16:53Schell - 
You may be infection driven - my RF was 353 on diagnosis and 706 only 5 1/2 months later when I started AP.  Something was 'driving' it.  Plaq has anti-spirocette qualities - it might help.
Thanks guys! He did say that he would start different treatments (Infusion therapy or something like that) after I have started on the Plaquenil, but he wanted to get that started and then move forward after the eye doc, etc

He didn't mention anything driving it, just that it started at a certain number and has risen each time (4 blood tests total) Not sure about that, but could be.

I have had a little time to digest it, so to speak, and this will definitely not beat me.. I wil treat it aggressively and go from there. (then again, if my children would just slow down, it would make it easier) LOLLOL Good luck getting the kiddos to slow down. That's like trying to stop a train with your pinky finger.
"and this will definitely not beat me." GOOD! :) That's the best way to start out! But don't feel bad if you have a few moments where it just "gets ya" That's normal too. You won't do yourself any justice hiding the fears and anger that you may come across. Just keep that in mind. :) It's a roller coaster of a ride, but as long as you strap in before you start, you'll be alright :)
knowing and being to go from there is a whole lot better than the unknown.
good luck with your treatment
schell, ditto to all above and keep posting, it helps.  CathyGlad they are helping you. Progress is good. Sorry about the whole thing, but i agree glad for the speedy dx and treatment. Good luck and let us know how it works for you.I'm so sorry Schell, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Like everyone said, it's good it was caught early.
Take care
Be strong!

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