shooting pains with RA? | Arthritis Information


The last couple of weeks/month, I've been having shooting pains, particularly in my legs.  They shoot out from my ankles or knees and usually radiate upward through the bone above the joint.  Does this sound like RA related pain?  I've dismissed it as something unrelated because it wasn't limited to the joint.  Just curious now if it might be connected....

Shooting pains i do not worry so much about as i get them all the time but i have fibro and RA. Once i felt like i was being stung all over my body by bees and that turned out to be low potasium. But if it is unusal you may want to mention it to your doctor. Thats the hardest part of this is knowing what to ignore and what to pay attention to. Even when i had my last kidney infection i told them i think it is a kidney infection, but i was on pain meds and it could have been muscles spasm in my lower back. But i thought it burned in my tube area and i was right. Between being used to terrible pain everywhere and muscle spasms and cramping everywhere and numness ect., ect., I fear some of us may ignore something some day that we should have payed attention to. I get shooting pains too, more often than any other type of pain actually. Sometimes I'll get one in the middle of walking, and then its gone again just as fast as I realized it was there.
I think we had a thread about this last year, and if my memory serves me (which I won't lie, it doesn't always....) it was about 50/50 with people having shooting pains. Some did, some didn't. It's one of those individualistic symptoms!
If it's TOTALLY unbarable, you def. want to talk to your doctor about it. You probably want to mention it anyway, just so they're aware of how your RA is presenting.
With ra, swelling can put pressure on nerves that can shoot pains through your body.I second about the nerve pains.  Mention them to your doctor, and if it is nerve pain, they may suggest you try one of the anti-neuropathy drugs like Neurontin or Lyrica.I have my first RD appt in April and will mention it then.  There are so many things that make sense now (rings don't fit anymore, can't get comfortable when I sleep, etc) I dont want to fall into the trap of attributing EVERYTHING to RA but its amazing how many unanswered questions now have answers.I get TeRRIBLE shooting pains in my elbow all of the sudden. I had them in my wrist for a while to. IT gets so bad that I can't even move the joint and in a minute or 2 its totally gone. But it is only in the joint and nothing around it. RA pain is NOT limited to the joints.

Why, oh why do people get this in their heads!

I have pain from the nose to my toes. Shooting pain, electrical pain, sharp pain, achey pain, burning pain, stabbing pain, jaw pain, ear pain...ALL of it is RA. I do not have anything else.

So yes, I would think it is RA pain that you have. This disease can produce all sorts of pain in all sorts of places.

Especially if you are a Type 2 or 3 RA sufferer. Yes, there are three different types of RA. Types 1's are usually mild and pain is often limited to the hands and feet joints but that is not so with Type 2's and 3's. I am a Type 3 as are many on this board.

If you get any pain you haven't had before, first of all assure it could be RA if it doesn't look like anything else as that is probably a safe bet.
