Night Night | Arthritis Information


everyone is right I know - I'm freaking - I was dry wretching my dinner tonight - in an awful state - I know this sounds totally over the top but I just love you guys so much for everything.  I am going to go to my bed and try to get a decent nights sleep.  One thing I just want to promise you is that I will be a good help here.  I won't always be take take take, honestly, I am usually a really nice helpful caring person - I've just disappeared up my own bum recently with terror, but don't worry, once I've climbed back down again you'll get to see the real me.  Love and hugs and pain free wishes to you all.  You are all in my prayers tonight - even if you don't want to be - tough Night Julie. and no need apologize.  I was the same way.  Fear can do strange things to you.  Just wish I had all of these people when I was going through it.  You will be fine and the fear will subside.  I know.  Thanks for the prayers.  I'll take all I can get. :-)

Like hulagirl said no appologies needed that is what we are here for, you and the many of others.


I hula that apologies needed, I think fear is always a part of us, it's what motivates us sometimes to take the steps needed to succeed. Let fear be your saviour. You take care and I just know you will feel better soon.  Jackie.