Just checking in... | Arthritis Information


Hi to all !

I'm just popping my head in to say hello.  It's been a bit since I've visited.  Fortunately, I've had alot to keep me busy, but the RA is still ridiculously out of whack.  My Rheumy switched me this week to injectible MTX.  Wow, what a kicker!  My side effects from the pills really had diminished, but the injecitible is like pills on steroids..as far as the drowsiness goes.  So now I am up to 20 mg. pred/day, 20mg mtx injections weekly and I start the Humira tomorrow (after my TB test is read today).
Wondering, how quickly have you all seen the effects of the Humira?  I'm thinking the day after the first dose I should be up for a night of dancing, right? 
Still trying to keep a positive outlook but did manage to shed tears in his office on Monday. Wasn't looking to be a human pin cushion.  And the 'roids certainly help make me irritable.
Have a fantastic day!
Lisa M. 
Hi Lisa.  I don't take Humira, so no comment their.  I just wanted to say that I hope it works fast and you feel well soon. I can't answer your question as I chose a different route - but glad you're back!  We missed you!
Will you be taking the humira weekly or twice a month?  I have sarcoidosis, not ra, but the symptoms are very similar and I did notice an improvement in energy after the first shot.  I was shooting up weekly so it only took a few weeks to notice some major improvement. The day after??? Not likely but wouldn't that be great. The usual is about two months with taking injections fortnightly so four injections at least.  When I was on Humira I want to say it was about 2-3 months. Dr. said that they wait 6 months before they generally pass judgement on it.

Hope it turns out to be your "magic" drug. It is so exciting when we finally find the right one!No, no no...I'm expecting the wonder drug!  My Humira won't wait months, I'm having a little conversation with it to let it understand my expectations...immediate results!
Thanks for the rewelcome...glad to hear from you, too, Pip!

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