I delete my replies! | Arthritis Information


I know this is going to sound really stupid. But I will spend time writing up these long replies to people and then I delete them before I send them! I do this ALL the time. I feel like what I am saying to people just sounds stupid and I have no clue what I am talking about even though I have had this disease for most of my life.

Anyone else do this??? Or am I the only weird one?Christina, I don't think you're weird at all.  I just think you don't have confidence in what you write.  Honestly, there are times I wish I had done a bit more editing before I hit the button and I'm sure others have too.  But no one expects you to be a world class writer.  None of us are!   Why don't you just wait a bit before sending your response, but don't delete it?  Look it over again and unless it's mean, absusive or nasty, (which I doubt) send it.  I'd be willing to bet it's at least as interesting and helpful as many other posts here.  I'm sure you have plenty to offer.  Why don't you give it a try?  I do that sometimes.  I just look at what I worte and realize that it's pretty irrelevant  Actually now that I think of it, I should probably do that more often :)I agree with Jesse. I'm sure you've got a lot to add to a lot of these topics. Go ahead and and reply more often. I'll write and delete message that howeve accurate a reflection of my feelings and thoughts at the time are not really appropriate for the forum.
BUt other than that not much deletion goes on...as far as I'm concern I'd rather hear from someone about their sincere experiences.  don't worry about soundnig stupid..go for it you expereince and thoughts are just as important as those who post constantly
I love reading what everybody has to say .
We are all different personalities and have our own inputs into different conversations going on .
I will try not to delete them anymore.  If I think they are helpful that is
I'll usually just add something like "If that even makes sense" or "okay Im rambling sorry.." lol Katie.
Just to clarify, I don't delete ALL of them. Just the majority. I will stop.
Christina I feel the same.  I also delete after trying to respond. I do love reading everyones input.  I will eventually get the hang of this and leave my messages.  Thanks to everyone this site is a great and very informative.The great thing about this site is being able to share with people who are in similar circumstances.  We get something from every post and it is good for us to share, since we all understand the situation, where others do not and it is helpful to just "unload" sometimes.   So don't hit that delete button, please join us, we would love to hear from you.
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