Fibromyalgia: Real or Imaginary? | Arthritis Information


Oh, it's definately real.
That's a good article for info.  I only have a few people with an inflam disease which includes RA and Crohns.  But, i have a truck load of family members diagnosed with Fibro.
I haven't been diagnosed with it, my doctor doesn't believe in it.  But, I do definately have it.  I used to call it a Body Cold when my body would hurt all over before i had these horrible flairs.  Ibuprofen would help it some.
Fibro is a bad thing, i hope they figure out the triggers.
Joonie - its real.  About a year ago I read that (I think it was) the AMA sent out an important announcement to their flock that chronic fatigue (it might have been fibro) is perhaps not defined or coded or believed in, but that medical doctors were ordered to start giving women pain pills for it and to stop disbelieving them just because they cannot figure out what to do with CFS/fibro women patients.  Yeah... I know it is real. Because I completely forgot about being DXed with fibro by current RD, and I was kinda shocked when she told me that those 3 days were a bad fibro flare. I was like but it felt like RA and then it didn't.... and I told her I could not real tell this difference and then that is when she went into giving me the tip of pain meds taking away most of the symptoms being fibro.
I do not know why I forgot about being DXed with it. I guess because it is new and like I can tell the difference. For some strange reason I keep thinking I might have Lupus, but not like I am going to find out, because I keep forgetting to mention it to RD. I vote real... interesting, thank you. After reading that article, I realize I have alot of those symptoms. I wonder though, with Fibro, do you have joint pain as well as all over pain? I sometimes have both. Fibro is very real and can make you very ill. What I have heard it has to do with the nervous system at your brain stem...wherever or what ever it is , it is real is all I know.