stopping mtx. | Arthritis Information


my hair is falling out a lot. methotrexate doesnt work i dont think so my doctor said i could stop it. ill see what happens. i was on it for over a year and its just become a probem i do take folic acid..

i got need based housing for school next year-ground flour, handicap acessible room and bathroom with a bathtub!

That's awesome about your room next year!
My hair started falling out with MTX too.  I don't know if it was the Biotin I started taking, but now it's not only NOT falling out, but it's starting to get more curly than normal.  I'm "liking" that!
Have you been on Enbrel long?  How is it working for you?  I haven't been on it long, but I feel like it's helping a lot.
ive been on it for a year and a half but off and on. i stopped and went on humira end of last year but i was allergic and had to go back to enbrel-it doesnt do much for me but when i stop it i feel worse........i dont notice its helping till i stop thoughGood Luck! my hair was falling out like crazy...on 1 mg. of folic acid 7 days a week and 50 mg of leucovorin........once I added the leucovorin my hair stopped falling out so fast.
I'm sorry the mtx isn't working.  I hope you find a combo that works for you.
Hey Little M.  That's great news about your room next year, that'll no doubt make things better for ya.  Sorry about the mtx, maybe the next thing will work better.  Any idea about that might be?littlemermaid-How much MTX are you taking?i was taking 25mg but went down to 20 a few weeks ago and now nothing. i dont know what my next meds are . right now its enbrel and effexor. my doc wants to try actemra is a new biologic thats a monthly infusion supposed to come out in 2009. until then its effexor and if that doesnt help she said we would try pain killers with the enbrelLittleM, maybe until then you should try some AP. It's not contadicted with enbrel and it just might work.I was curious about the dosage as I am recently diagnosed and thus far only taking 10 mg.  I don't need to be losing any more hair as my thyroid has taken quite a bit of it already.  I'm sure they will find the right meds for you, just continue to be your own best advocate.  Good luck.thanks. yea i had been on mtx for over a year and this only recently became a problem. i had my thyroid checked and it was normal. good luck on the mtx!