Just a thankyou | Arthritis Information


I don't post  but I do spend time here and get so much good information from you all so I just thought that i owe you all a big thank you. I enjoy and appreciate you members and this forum.

well it's official now.  You posted!!!  Please join in whenever you want.  And I'll join you in thanking everyone for the time they take to research and post and ask and answer.  InvaluableYes, this is def the best site I've found on RA thus far.  It has helped me so much to talk to other people who actually know what I'm going through!  Thanks everyone! I was relieved to find this site myself when I had a lot of questions and doubts.
I should say my own big thanks to the people that responded to my initial call.

A big thanks guys.
Hugs right back at you guys!
I should thank everyone too. If it wasn't for this site, I would be completely in the dark.
Welcome Juliesmom!!!

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