Bad Gutts & Dehydration | Arthritis Information


Over the last couple of months I've had two separate bouts of explosive diarrhea that lasted several hours until my bowels were totally empty.  I was then able to resume my normal diet with no problems so I didn't think too much about it.

However, on 02/21, I awakened at 2AM with fever, chills, abdominal aching (not cramping) and was back on the John off and on all that night  & into the morning with the worst diarrhea yet.  I went to the ER the following day because I was I knew I was dehydrated.  They plumped me back up and told me it was just a gastroenteritis (love that umbrella term) and told me to go on the BRAT diet for a few days until it cleared.  Well, it is now the 2nd of March.  My temp is normal and the chills are gone but I've lost my appetite, lost 8lbs, feel totally fatigued most of the day and when I do manage to eat something, it runs right through me.
I have an appt. with a Gastro on the 5th, but am wondering if anyone has experienced colonic inflammation or other gutt problems as a result of inflammatory, sero-positive RA.  I might add that I am not taking any DMARDS at this time, so this is not the result of a medication side effect.  I am tapering my pred and am down to 2.5mg a day but I doubt that has anything to do with anything either.
Thanks for your time.
Hi Katalina,

I know you said that you are not on DMARDs and are tapering on predisone, but are you on any other medication for you RA like a biologic -  Enbrel, Humira - or even Arava?

Or, God forbid, antibiotics?  You can't be on antibiotics without probiotics.

Katalina - yes, I have had decades of off and on bowel trouble like you describe.  I spend most of my alternative health care on my bowel health.  Good luck ~~ Cathy

You could also have IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) It seems that ALOT of people with arthritis or fibromyalgia have this also. Definitely a good idea to see a doc though. It could be colitis too.Pip,
No on the Anti-B's but coincidentally, I had just filled my minocycline for the first time on the 20th, the day before "the big deluge.  Now, I have to wait until I see the Gastro to make sure that its ok to do the mino or if thats going to tear my gutts up even more.  I've been doing some research on collagenous colitis related to autoimmune disorders and am hoping that its something like this as opposed to some of the scarier possibilities.
Most antibiotics really help with the gut/bowel issues.  But best to be checked out.  My mom is STILL trying to get Mino for her IBS.  On the other hand - if you do have bowel problems starting, you don't want to start until you get on the probiotics for a week or so.  It will really help the 'stomach upset' part (which could include the bid D) . 
Let us know - OK?  Oddly, I was diagnosed with IBS about 10 years ago and it 'went away' so the docs said.  Oddly, I no longer believe them.
Been there too. Mostly it turned out to be Irritable Bowel Syndrome and  then the ulcers came. I eat a lot of jello during the bad time.
It is yuck and so very painful I do know that.You get to feeling so weak and drowsy. I feel fpr you I really do and hopefully you will be able to get this under control very soon.
GOTTA LOVE THAT IBS!!!I don't think you get fever and chills with IBS. You are smart seeing the gastro today. Let us know how your appt turns out.Some drugs can cause that effect and some intolerances to food can too.  Are there foods you ate the night before that are the same like dairy or wheat etc.?  Some people are very sensitive due to inflammation in the stomach as well which can turn into diareah.Update:  Saw Gastro-Man on the 5th.  He arranged for a colonoscopy which I'll have on the 25th.  In the mean time, I'm taking Immodium/Simethicone mix to slow things down a bit.
He didn't venture much in the line of a DX, just said that some people with AI diseases are more prone to gutt problems.  I sure hope I get some results after putting myself through the rapid clean out (GoLitely my A**-pardon the pun) and the "hose job".
Did you start probiotics?

Hi Pip,

Yes, I've been taking Acidophilus capsules since this ordeal began and I'll continue to take them...perhaps bump up to a probiotic combo in one capsule.  Any suggestions?

I have changed my RD and my Gastroenterologist.  All within the past week. Long story patient/listening skills...I dumped 'em.

New RD is a female and I've only seen her once but she didn't give me any crap about the Mino and she listened to my position on the DMARDS, TNF inhibitors, etc. and actually looked at me while we were talking instead of flipping her pencil or gazing at the ceiling.

 Problem is that new Gastro-Gal  told me not to start the Mino or take any kind of NSAID until we get the results of my upper endo and colonoscopy which are now re-scheduled for April 16th.  Pain and stiffness is pretty bad when I wake but gets better as the day wears on and then worse again at night but I do get some time during the day when I can function enough to get mandatory tasks done.
So, I'm thinking of kicking my pred back up from 2mg to 5mg as this is all I'm taking right now to control the pain and inflammation, the worst of which is in my wrists and fingers.  I'll be going to see Ortho-Man on Monday to get injections in those spots that are killin' me and that should tide me over until all this mess is sorted out.
PS: I see my post got bumped back toward the top.  I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to do that.  Please tell this low-techie how to avoid doing it in the future.  Thanks
Katalina2008-03-13 17:50:45
You're asking me?  It took me months to actually find this site except thru links friends sent.  LOL  I think any reply knocks it to the top. 

If anybody on Pred sees this - can it affect the stomach/GI track? 

I'm with not starting the Mino until you know exactly what you are dealing with.  There are 2 things you can do to help control things until the 16th. 

1) Go to Whole Foods or some health food store and pick up some Solaray Multipophilus 12.  It doesn't have to be that - but it gives you something to compare it too.  Just get as many strains and as many live cultures as possible.  Start with one pill.  You'll get some intestinal 'grumpling' - gassy, bloating, discomfort - don't worry.  It's just your body trying to figure out how to work better when it finally gets some fuel.  When that subsides; up the dose again.  You are looking for 'regular' on BM's.  Not loose; not constipated.  And it will also help cut the pain levels. 
2)  The next thing is  - the whole lemon drink really cuts inflammation.  It's not a med, but it does help the body process toxins.  The original info is on  This is a cut and paste from another post I made about it. 
1. whole lemon, rind, pips and all into a blender
2. 1 tlbs extra virgin olive oil.
3. 1 cup water
Only the above ingredients are 'required'
3) couple of heaping tlbs. frozen juice concentrate for taste.  OJ is best.  I couldn't handle it so I used cherry. 
4) few grains stevia to taste (shoot me - I admit I used Splenda)
Hit puree'
Strain into glass.  If neuroptahy is present, add in 1 heaping tbsp of Lecithin. 
DO NOT make a double batch - this gets UGLY bitter if left to sit. 
Take 2 X a day to start.  I hate lemon and my hubby MADE me drink this when I was first diagnosed as he noticed how much LESS my swelling was.  Especially in my left ankle. 
Also, have you been sick lately?  Anything that could have disrupted your gut flora?  Look at all your meds on some Google 'counterindications' list.  Anything else that could effect the GI tract?
If you go to buy some lemons - pick up some probiotics.  It might help (but probably not before Monday).
Thanks for the clue in to the Multipophilus.  I'd seen the (your?) recipe for the lemon drink before and thought it sounded like an acid based colonic (ha) but, what the hell, since I have to clean myself out with the Rx colon prep stuff, I might as well give the lemon/oil cleanser a try while I'm at it.
As for the pred causing/contributing to my gutt problems, I really doubt it.  I started the pred 107 days ago at 10mg for the first 3 days, reduced to 5mg for the next 7 days, tapering down until 2 wks ago when I reduced again to 2mg a day.  Except for the 10, none of the other dosages are even close to a physiologic dose, so I don't think its the pred.  If it was, I would think the gutt junk would have occured sooner than this and at the higher doses. Besides, I'm probably the only person on this board who is traditional DMARD naive and using nothing but low dose oral pred and IA site specific injections for partial relief. There are a couple of RA related colon conditons that I did some studying about and new Gastro-Gal agrees that they are worth looking for at colonoscopy. The one that fits the symptom bill for me is called Collagenous Colitis.  So many people don't realize what this disease can do to the organ systems as well as the joints/tendons.  Oh well, I'm sure I'll live another day to bitch about it.
I'm interested in the colon stuff - wish JSNM was around - she knows EVERYTHING about them.  I'm just a chicken even tho I know that is probably contributing to this condition.
I know, I thought the WL/OO thing added to acidity.  Imagine my surprise on how it works to alkalize us.  You should run a search here or go to that keephopealive site.  Very amazing on how the research shows it works.  Heck, I swear it works and when you start Mino - you're going to LOVE that stuff.
I'm starting an experiment with it tonight and will post about it later.  I'm thinking that as some of the research is showing it will help with sleep patterns, I want to know if it will help me.
Do you still have your gallbladder? You sound just like the lady on Mystery Diagnosis. (I store that kinda sh*t in  my brain for YEARS I day it'll come in handy, like maybe now?)

Her problem was *just* like you. Fever chills, and dumping the bowels like there was no tomorrow. They kept telling her "it's IBS" she even had a colonoscopy done too. Eventually, someone tested her blood - god forbid I remember the name of the test - and it turned out her gallbladder was releasing WAY WAY too much bile. For no reason other than it was simply malfunctioning. They put her on cholesterol meds (of all things?) and it stopped it. I'm not sure why they didn't just remove the gallbladder, seems like you'd have less side effects than taking cholesterol meds, but that might be my uneducated opinion!

Well, there's some food for thought for you!
Hi Katie,
Thanks for the response.  I'll do some studyin' up on that.
