RA & Oophorectomy | Arthritis Information


When I was talking to my mom last night, I told her I wanted to get a hysterectomy, but I actually meant oophorectomy. She asked why. I told her because I want to get rid of my ovaries. I have a very painful cyst on my left ovary and the ole "monthly bill" messes with the ole RA & Fibro. To me getting rid of my ovaries would be a far greater benefit to me, unless... the hormones the ovaries porduce will make my RA worse.

So I was wondering if anyone had had their ovaries removed while RA was active?
I also told my mom I would donate my eggs (if I have any left) for some kind of research. I would say donate them to women who need eggs, but with all the meds & J/RA, they are better to be used for some kind of testing research thing-a-ma-jiggy. Would birth control help? Humm... so they probably would not take my ovaries outta me. That sure is a bummer. But I will still ask my ewwwy gooey GYNO about it when I go back to him.
No Katie I do not think birth control pills would benefit me. Been on them before and still had a bothersome cyst on my left ovary. My right ovary seems to be good, but the left one is like it wants to kick the bucket Joonie- will getting the cyst removed not help instead of something so drastic like ovary removal. My sister had her ovaries removed and had all the problems that it brings with it.Hi Joonie, I just have to second what the others said, oophorectomy definitely made my life worse, not better. I had mine removed due to endometriosis and cysts and I would give anything to have even one of them back. I aged 10 years in a year, got osteopenia, libido went MIA permanently, gained weight, my personality changed, and after 7 years I still haven't found the right combination of hormone replacement therapy to make me feel like my former self.  It's a fate I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.
and  besides, If you dont have a uterus you dont get periods. keep the ovaries, you NEED those hormones.
I think that an endrometial ablation would end periods as well. Get the cyst removed..or just remove that ovary
when I was 15 I had an ovarian cyst that ruptured.. it took the whole darn ovary with it.. man that hurt.. essentially it  just turned into scar tissue.  but even so it may have continued to release  hormones, just not eggs..
Joonie, by the time everything was removed I was headed down the cancer route.  I asked the first time when I was 25(after Brandon was born) to have everything taken out.  Because of the increased risk of bone thining and just the shock of such a young person going through a surgery like that would likely put you in a worse place, especially emotionally.  I waited ten more years, and that was too long, but the Military did not want to take anything out.  So, by the time I had things taken out I was a mess to say the least.  I waited too long, and would caution you or anyone else not to wait until your period starts to stop on it's own, and there are huge problems with pap smears etc. 
So, hang in there, and you will be glad. YOu still have some benefits to having everything...and until the benefits out weigh the risks...you need to do what you can to survive! 

Well... like I said I will talk to the ewwy gooey GYNO about what to do.

He was to be keeping an eye on the cyst on my left ovary, because man... that thing on the ultrasound was as big as the end of a pencile eraser. I did not go back after he referred me to the urologist, because that is what he said was causing all my lower abdomen pain, not so much my ovary, but the big cyst had to be watched.
I have like a hard mass around my left ovary area, and that area is very tender to the touch all the time. And been having a lot of pains in that area on and by the left ovary even when it is not my "monthly bill". It does not feel like cramps; it feels like something is applying a lot of pressure on the ovary and then a bunch of pain.
I do not know. I just want everything to go away. I am having a short time of little to no pain everywhere from the high dose of pred, so in a sense everything has gone away
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