Hi I'm New! | Arthritis Information


Hi everyone!
I was just sent over to this site by someone on another board.  I am 24, I have RA, Fibro, Ehlers-Danlos, Peripheral Neuropathy, Chostacondritis and Secondary Raynauds.  I was diagnosed at 14 with everything except the Raynauds which I was diagnosed with in August.

I am non-medicated at this point, so I deal with pain every day.  My doctors are working on finding medication I am not allergic to, I am gluten and corn intolerant, which are binders in like everything, as well as allergic to asprin and sulfa.

I am hoping to find out some tactics to deal with sleeping.  I don't do it enough, or it's all I do, there's no happy medium.  For the past 2 weeks I have not been able to sleep more than 4 hours at a time and not before 7am.  I'm exhausted all the time, in pain and just about at my wits end.

Kristi, we have some of the same allergies as far as asprin and sulfa.  I am so sorry about your corn intolerance that is huge and would be a huge problem for even eating.  I am hoping that something comes through for you, and that you can get some rest.  Have you looked into Valarian root at the health food stores or even melatonin.  For me sleeping has more to do with pain than actual sleep problems, and I don't know what their plan is for managing your pain.  That is huge! 

I am glad you are here and there are people that are way smarter than I.  So, welcome!

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