Is there a ratio for RA and cancers? | Arthritis Information


Just thought I would throw this question out to the board...mostly out of curiosity adn especially after reading many posts here and from other RA boards.

I am wondering if there are any documented ratios and or more research linking cancer and RA.
Seems like I have had nothing but trouble with my left breast for several years and it is getting worse...I go back to the PCP to get it checked out one again...tests and more tests I am certain.
I take in stride whatever life throws my way, somethings are more difficult to endure and cope with than others as we all know. My big thing is to educate myself on whatever I am going through health wise at the any input would be greatly appreciated.
what sort of trouble have you had? some cancers such as blood and skin cancers occur more frequntly in people with RA.  some cancers such as breast and colon occur less frequently.  The overall cancer rate, combining all types of cancer, is essentially the same.
This is something that is constantly being looked at
I refuse Refuse to deal w/ any more stuff that can be attached to Ra.. omg..
is this not enough?? Thats what i keep telling the Divine~ lol :P
Will not think about it!!! lol ack
