Batting average SUCKS | Arthritis Information


*sigh* I'm  not sure what to think of this, but for the past month I've flared almost exactly 24 hrs before a storm system and then all through it.

It's noon, I wanna crawl into bed and DIE. What are we supposed to get tonight at 12? Massive thunderstorms, and wicked wind. We've already got warnings up on the weather channel page.

I did great this past week, but we didn't have a drop of rain. I felt like a million bucks. And then I woke up this morning and thought "man, I must have slept funny I feel like crap" We went to the store and I asked Justin "is it supposed to rain soon or something? Because this isn't going away, it's only getting worse."  Yup, sure enough, tonight's going to be miserable.

I think I'm extra frustrated because I only have today off, I don't have two days in a row like normal, I had made tons of plans for today and I can't really do ANY of them now. It's my dad's 50th birthday and I NEED to call him but I'm waiting until he's off work. I'm afraid to go to sleep and miss my chance to call.

Oh, and I think I'm PMSing. LOVELY!

I'm just having a really tough day, I've been bitchy with Justin and I didn't mean to at all. He's been really great about it though, but I still feel like garbage. I just need a boost I guess. I dunno.
What you need darling is a hug



feels like i just hugged myself too, LOL.. the name, lol

ahh man, that sucks.. i know totally what you mean.. and i'm super weather sensitive too..
ok so change your plans, say F it.. pamper yourself!!
fav jammies, or none..
hot bath, good book or movie..
and have justin give you a nice massage..
since you're living in sin,.. have fun.. roflmao..


LMFAO okay, that made me laugh. Hahah thank you.

I'd live in sin a little harder, but he's asleep. He has to work tonight and all. My dad is off work, so I'm gonna call him and then maybe nap. I HATE napping when I only have one day off I feel like I'm wasting the day.

I have such high ambitions today! Argh!
arriscolwell2008-03-03 11:48:03

Call in sick tomorrow or tonight if you need to..ok.. its better to REST.. and

take care of yourself... otherwise you might be in twice as much pain and
living in sin harder.... ohh hilarious!! LOL
LOL Seems like you are always PMSing... Katie. arriscowell-
I don't believe in PMS. I think I put up with everyone's BS a little too much for three weeks and then finally I have had it and I speak my mind.
I notice my panic attacks seem related to my cycle too. If I feel one coming on I take 1/2 a xannax and it heads it off.
Hope you are feeling better.
Let me clarify the PMS thing, it's more physical symptoms than anything. I attribute them to PMS because there are a couple of emotional ties, the symptoms come at the same time and can't be explained by anything else.

So I'm not sitting here saying I'm all pissy or bitchy, I'm actually in a lot of abdominal pain, my feet are killing me, and my head hurts. And my likelihood of a panic attack is VERY increased. So there ya go.

Thanks wtbRAf :)

i think katie still has a happy good vibe,  maybe you forgot joonie, what pms is like and menopause is just harder for you...i thought that was rude.... esp coming from you! lol

her batting average of nice posts is like tons, even this one..cramps suck... and no..
i'm not pmsing, just naturally bi**chy  rofl
Whispered2008-03-03 17:02:15Ugh, PMS on top of a flare.  That's just so wrong.  Not fair at all. 
I know this is not an original thought, but have you ever considered how nice and dry Arizona is?  Very little rain to start your flares.  I know you probably can't just pick up and move without jobs, but it may be something to thing about for your future. 
I am about three quarters down on the east coast. You live closer to my brother. I get your weather about a day later.I read and heard on the news that this has been the wettiest winter in a long while. Can't remember year??? I always flare big time with weather, rain, freezing rain, sleet, snow, high humidity, and PMS. Now they are saying we are getting 6-8 inches of snow tomorrow. I feel it already and Arizona is sounding really nice and warm about now. LOL
I hope you feel better soon, Katie!
Okay so let's all move to Arizona....

I think I've been on this rant before! Something about picking up and forming our own commune......hahaha
I'm all for it except I can't stand sand. So the desert is out.
We'd all get there and then it would be too hot!!
