Second opinion. results | Arthritis Information


Well, I had that appointment yesterday for a second opinion.....

How sweet it was to hear her say that it is a known fact that MTX and RA can cause the
the type of problems that I have experienced over the past 16 months.

Those affects being the jitters, dizziness (slight), a bit of brain fog.
A few other small things as well.
Two other medical professionals told me to go see a head doc.

She wants to try Humira and get me off the PRED (5mg) and MTX if possible, if not off the MTX, then get it reduced from current (20mg).

I told her when I walked in that I was feeling a bit of a fake at the moment because I was feeling really good.
She pressed on a few points around the body to which I informed her that I could feel a little more than normal and she said you still have inflammation.

I have to go for more bloods and xrays and if all that comes back ok, then we try the Humira.

Still that's all 2 months away before my next appointment.  Sigh!

She really got stuck into me about smoking.
I know, I know, don't need to hear any more about that.

That's it for today.

Enjoy. well at least there were no suprises..and that is always a good thing

Hope she makes you feel better. Glad you like your new doctor.  Hope the humira works for ya.Wow Stephen, I am just as glad to hear that as you are because I have the same symptoms and I knew that it wasn't all in my head!  Good luck with the Humira and please keep us posted with your progress.  
Pleased that your visit with rheumy went ok
lorrie2008-11-23 23:56:56Glad you got some reassurances about those symptoms. They can all be RA. Pred can give you the jitters too. Most RD's believe that all the other meds work better with a bit of MTX so she may leave you on some with the Humira. About 10mg means less side effects but still effective to the other medications.

That stuff is definitely NOT in your head Stephen. I have experienced it all too and it's all RA.

God, my docs don't bug me about my smoking at all. They just figure I have way too much on my plate to have a go at me about that. It's seriously the least of your worries at the moment as it is mine and I will deal with it later when I am more stabilised. Considering, it's like my only health vice, they leave me alone about that. I am sure you will deal with it when you are ready too.

Glad you had such a good appointment. Humira can be magnificent for some people. I hope it works well for you.
Good luck with the Humira, Stephen!Validation is a wonderful thing, yes?  Sometimes I wish those doctors who are so quick to say "It's all in your head" could live life as we do.  It's so easy to criticize.  I guess that's more palatable than admitting they don't know the answer to your problem.  Glad you found a doctor who cares enough to work at finding a solution.   Thanks for sharing the symptoms, Stephen.   Congratulation Stephan - you are the first man in here I know of that was told to see a shrink instead of being diagnosed properly.  Usually it's just us hysterical females daring to ask a doctor for a diagnosis.  Sounds like someone is working your case in a positive way, and I hope the changes smooth things out for you.  CathyI am open to except that some things are in the head but not all.
I also know what I was like before the on set of RA, and that was building houses.
I'm off to bedy byes now....
I hope you'll be able to get on Humira without much delay. It really was my mmagic bullet. Hope it will be for you as well.
No one knows they need to stop smoking more than a smoker, right? I'm in the same boat my friend.
Don't you hate that when you think you're feeling good  - the rheumy pushes down, finds your inflammation and bursts your bubble.  Good luck with the Humira - I hope it works as well for you as it has others. 
Just a note to wish you luck Stephen.  I too have had most of symptoms you have described including the cancer sticks. (Smoke free for the last 14 months after 23 years.) When you are ready you will get there. For now focus on feeling better.
