Toe question? | Arthritis Information


Anyone have toe barnicals, I mean bunnons. You know a giant bump on your toe joint where it attaches to the foot. I read that was a sign of RA along with other stuff but my Mom has them and my grandmother is in her eighties and has them. But that toe has been cramping and aching I only have one toe bunnon and it's my big piggy on my left foot. My mom and grandmother also have bad right arm but no where near like mine does they don't have RA or if they do it would be the mild kind that went into remission as soon as they got it.Yes, I have feet are hideousMy mom has bunions.  Kel, your feet can't be as *hideous* as hers.  But she doesn't have RA.[QUOTE=Linncn]Kel, your feet can't be as *hideous* as hers.[/QUOTE]

I dunno...maybe if I get brave enough I'll post a picture of them one day
My sister has a bunion on her big toe, but she's the sister without RA.  What causes that anyway?  I thought it was too-tight shoes, but I don't think my sister wears tight shoes.  My neice had bunions at 30 but does not have Ra . She was told by her Dr it was due to too tight of shoes.
I had bunions on both feet but I believe it was due to Ra .
Had my feet fixed last year and they look great again .
I don't even ware shoes. So can't be that. LOL I will put on two or three socks if my feet are cold but i only ware shoes if i go to the store or if it is cold outside. Heridetary maybe? My ankles are swelled and whole feet hurt so big toe hurts it is joining the club. I don't know what causes it thats why i was asking maybe someone else will know.I have bunions, not sure about RA yet though. LOL...I'm a little backwards on the boards, huh? I have a bunion on side of big toe on the left foot and RA.
Bunion hasn't bothered me much.
Okay cause I love you guys, I took pics of my feeties. LoL

First of all, please take a moment to admire and envy my lovely silky cow PJs. Mmmmm Yay!

LoL Okay here they are, my feet in all their strange glory!!

My right and left feet at rest, no they are not on the ground I'm holding them up:

Wow you mention the way you walk on the outer portion of your feet. I have an extra bone on the outside of my feet. When i was a kid i walked that way so much you could see my shoes wore down tilted. Anyway the extra bone sticks out to the side and i remember when i was a kid it would crunch i thought it was moving. I don't ware shoes enough to know if i would still ware them down like that. LOL Anyway the extra bones were crunching today thats what reminded me of that. The huge toe joint is a newer thing started growing in the last year or two. It hurt before that. I have had my ankles swell before but not at the same time. Argg. Everytime i have got dressed all week my feet cramped when i put my pants on from having to straighten them out. So the bottom of my feets look alot like yours except i have humps on the side. I was born with my thumb in my mouth. I had bucked teeth when i was little, plus had to give it up when i went to school had a long bus trip and sometimes i would fall asleep and in the mouth the thumb would go the older kids laughed at me so i had to give it up. That really sucked. My parents never stood a chance of getting that thumb out of my mouth. I put my hand threw a window once and couldn't suck my thumb for a week , I thought i was going to die. Anyway i played trombone and that straightened my teeth out. Anyway today i don't walk so good either, sort of like the hunchback with a limp if you can picture that.Oh man I get those cramps when I put on pants too. I thought I was just nuts. LOL

I didn't suck my thumb or a pacifier. I rub my ears. It's so hard to explain, just know that it looks strange, and I'm 24 and STILL haven't kicked the habit. I'm gonna be 80 and rubbing my stupid ears. *sigh* lol
