Neat little chart - Good for new patients | Arthritis Information


And old patients! It seems silly but read the whole thing, it really is a nice chart. Basic and gives you a nice "baseline" for things. :)

And it tells you what "swelling" really is.

How can I tell the difference between inflammatory (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis) and mechanical (osteoarthritis) joint diseases?

Check out the symptoms and see where you might fit in. The symptoms include morning stiffness, pain, reaction to a cortisone injection, joints involved and more.

Look at our graphic of the body showing the most likely joints involved in the different types of joint disease.

Symptom Inflammatory joint disease (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis) Mechanical joint disease (e.g. osteoarthritis) You wake up with stiff joints, but it improves after an hour or more. The more you use your joints, the sooner the stiffness subsides. I thought this line was particularly interesting, please think about it long and hard! Bump!!! "The longer you’re inactive, the worse is the pain. Rest worsens the symptoms, activity improves the symptoms. Be active!"

Word. If I'm not taking steroids and I sit down for 15 minutes... I'm in p.a.i.n. Does anyone else have clicking in their joints? It's coming on pretty strong in my feet and toes and I'm just wondering if it is common, or I just have a lot of gas in my bones? _popupControl();