Large joint flares | Arthritis Information


I'm wondering how many people (RA Peeps!) have experienced flares in shoulders or hips, and wht did it feel like.

Before the MTX I had 1 flare in my hip, which I felt more to the front of my body, and 1 in my shoulder.  Each lasted in its worst state about 4 hrs.  The pain was excruciating, unable to sit, stand, or lay down.  The rheumy looked at me like I was nuts-said maybe it was bursitis.
Since meds it hasn't happened.  Any insight?
hip you tend to feel it in the groin and down the inside of the knee
shoulder will often radiate down the arm..often very sharp
both joints are vulnerable to soft tissue pain as well..thats the pain you feel on the outside of the hip and towards the neck in the shoulder
Yep those were the exact pains-could hardly lift my leg too.  Absolutely hideous.  When I pointed to my groin area it threw the doc.I get bad groin pain but my xrays showed no problems with my hips, it was coming from my knee, I get the arm pains from my shoulderYeah, my shoulder pain is usually about 4 inches down my arm.  I've had groin pain but I've also had outer hip pain as well.Palindromic!  I see Palindromic!
Especially if the pain level would be best described as 'kill me now'.

We are investigating possible damage in my wrist though.  Xray shows something, but I couldn't get through MRI.  That's another story.  I'm pushing for an ultrasound now, I want to know definitively what the spots on the xray are.

TheLa2008-03-04 10:29:54

Pip Pip Pip!!!    regular RA can have excrutiating pain too is your elbow on that arm.  After my shoulder replacement I still had pain in the area you described.  Turns out the shoulder was fine..the elbow on the other hand was shot and was in the process of splitting my humerous.  After my elbow replacement it was amazing how quickly that "shoulder" pain went away.  Funny thing that even as bad as the elbow was the pain was never in the elbow itself
I am poly (many joints) so I experience flares anywhere from my nose to my toes...I hurt all the time basically all over so yes, I have experienced it in the big joints especially hips have given me a lot of gip over the years. It is very painful always.  my hip (both sides) when bad are the inside and horribly painful.  I have to rotate my feet in or out when i walk to help get rid of some of the pain in order to move.  Rolling over in bed is also horrible.
My shoulder can shoot pain to my elbow which is bad cuz the elbow already has RA, or it can shoot up to my neck.  Bad pain that hurts worse when moving and my muscles swell around the joint along with the joint.
My hip hurts on the outside.........maybe it's not RA? It hurts down into the leg bone too.
My shoulder will hurt all the way through my arm pit and down my upper arm.
I had that shoulder, armpit, arm deal one night.  It was essentially Carpal Tunnel caused by a RA flare in my wrist.  It was really swollen, and set the episode in motion.  AGONY-did not sleep at all that night!Mine is partly referred pain from my neck. Muscle relaxers work nicely on it! There are many nerves in your neck. Pinch one and you'd be surprised at what hurts! I always know if it's RA or my neck, because only my left shoulder does it when it's my neck, and I also tingle. If there's no tingling 9 times out of 10 BOTH shoulder hurt and I know that's just the RA.Isn't it nice how at almost any given moment you can come to AI and pick up a conversation on what might be bothering you on any given day? I've had a lot of large joint problems here lately myself....including my newest problem my elbows! My left one is the worst and I think I'm stressing it from carrying around my little dog so much. It will ache whenI've got it bent with her under it and then when I go to set her dog it does something strangely painful. This is my first experience with this problem; although my Dr. has noticed inflammation there many times.
I've got some hip problems tonight especially. I think it's what they call bursitis though. It's on the outside....mine usually is.
Knees too. I'm hoping mine is weather related today. We have had a large storm system come through here today.
I'm wondering about my hips now Lovie....mine is always pain on the OUTSIDE and then down my thighs. Feels like it's in the bone. I'm thinking that might not be RA.... Hmmm
Do you sleep with your elbows bent up? I do and my elbows kill me!!! I know that's what causes it. I need to work on
My shoulders are involved every time I flare.  I HATE IT!  The pain is right at the joint either in the front or it will feel like it's dead in the center of the joint and hurt all the way around.  It is extremely painful and it's almost impossible to move.  The shoulders are the worst for me.yeah....I do. I try not to; but it never fails!
Might not be RA. Pretty sure mine is bursitis. I've cortisone injections for this very problem several times before. Treatment is all about the same.
It's never gotten to the point that it's stopped me, so I've honestly never even addressed it. I still walk, just walk a little funny...LOL
A lot of the time, before it hurts, it'll feel like they're going to fall out of socket. Weird, eh? hips and shoulders flares have been some of the most indescribably painful flares of them all.  Course it didn't help to have them all, plus every other joint flaring at the same time, but I shudder to even think back to those days.
Hips hurt in the front, just waves of intense pain that went on for days.  Shoulders that I couldn't move. Had to hod my arms to the side and the slightest movement would set off pain that would make me scream.  I had to sleep (as if I could sleep) sitting straight up in a chair.  Gravity would pull back too hard if I tried to aly down.  Man, those were baaaad days.
Linncn-Oh my god-your flares sound just like mine!  I couldn't even sit.  Basically I would just shuffle around the house so my shoulders could hang. Occasionally I would try to sit, or lay down.  After about 4-6 hours of on and off attempts I would finally be able to lay down, and doze a little.  Bad, bad days.
Arriscolwell-I have been doing the elbow sleep thing the past week or two!  It is partially due to the weird positions I have to sleep in because of my frozen shoulder.  But it's new and man does it hurt!
Ah! And it's SUCH a hard habit to break, isn't it?!?!? I've been trying to train myself. I do alright when I'm feeling well (go figure) But when I start to flare I curl up and sleep in the STRANGEST positions. And of course it only makes me feel worse!! So awkward!!!