OT - True but funny | Arthritis Information



Very cute, Pip.  I don't know any of the details about this, but I enjoyed the chuckle. I need something like that for my site - I will never be able to afford one that good.  It's a real campaign and the Goverantor is actually stepping up to the plate AGAINST the EPA.  Will wonders never cease?

As a committed SaveOurEnvironment supporter, you will be happy to hear that over a dozen states have adopted clean car standards to reduce global warming pollution from vehicles, and many more are considering following suit.

But as states try to be part of the global warming solution, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Stephen Johnson rejected the advice of his staff, directives of two federal judges, and the Supreme Court, and denied the waiver states need to implement these crucial clean car standards.

Johnson's decision was so egregious, that 19 states--led by California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger--have thus far sued the EPA to compel the waiver. This has set up a confrontation between right and wrong that can only be described as "cinematic."

Click here to watch our movie trailer take on this "legal thriller" - then take action for cleaner cars!

The bottom line is that states have the legal right under the Clean Air Act to protect the health and well-being of their citizens by curbing global warming pollution from vehicles.

The EPA is supposed to help - not hinder - the fight to protect and save our environment. So urge your Governor to protect your state's right to fight global warming!

Thank you for your support!


Julie Waterman
Campaign Director, SaveOurEnvironment.org

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