Hey MrsA aka Mel!! | Arthritis Information


How are you doing? Missed you and your superfantastic saying. What happened to her login?  I hope she feels better soon!!!

I don't recall, she lost it or the new AI isn't recognizing it, or she forgot her PW. one of those!!!That's funny !  When I go into Forum home to see who all is on line
I see her there sometimes . ( Recently )Maybe she fixed it! I'll hit her up on myspace :) Yeh , She must have .
I wonder why she doesn't want to post ?
I have always loved what she has to say .She's an interesting person.
I made this post because when I looked at who was online, she was signed in. So, I figured she remembered her password. Well the last time we had talked she'd lost her PW. But that was at least over a week ago.
I shot her a message on myspace, but haven't heard back yet. I'll let ya know.

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