Mah hands, Mah hands | Arthritis Information


One word....OUCH

Notice my ulnar drift?  Sweet, huh?
What is really scary...I have noticed a significant change in my left hand in the past month. 
Your fingers are so red it's like you just came out of the cold. :( Boo!! I'm sorry.
My fingers look twisty too, but mine don't hurt so I don't care. LoL When they hurt, then it sucks!!!
What do you mean by the ulnar drift? What's that?
Ow ow ow....are your hands always like that?Phats, that is scary.  Mine has been so gradual, but then suddenly it speeds up, so I understand.  Katie - ulnar drift is how RA can affect your hands, they eventually close up almost completely.  You might want to look at some pictures.  Or not, it might be best not to even look.  Seriously.  CathyAKUlnar drift is supposedly a hallmark of RA.  You can really see it in my first two fingers.  It is where the fingers start pointing toward the pinky finger (or the ulnar bone in your wrist).  My first two fingers are also starting to twist.  YIKES! 
My hands are always red like that and inflammed.  It stinks.
I thought everyone's did that.
I hate being a JRAer sometimes!

Phats, that really sucks.  In this weird way I am very glad you posted those pictures.  I just showed them to my husband and I can put my right hand right over yours and its almost identical, except my first finger is twisted a little more tightly.  Heck, I am twisted too tight all over, without RA :)  That redness is embarrasing at times, especially when the stupid hand is ice cold.  People are like, wow, your hand is ice cold.  And I am thinking, you have no idea.  Take care love - I use an arnica gel that helps alot. 

No.  You can't be twins and here's why.  Their is ALWAYS a good twin and an evil twin.  They're never BOTH evil.
Thanks Cathy, I'm pretty miserable but hopefully it will end soon! can your fingers not hurt?  Have you had them
x-rayed?  Please do, that is one of the first places you show damage.
PhatsPhats, I think we just got called out.  Time to rumble?  Let's get our gloves on and have some Linnc for dinner
Yeah, we can pull on with our teeth our super duper ulnar drift gloves and fall flat on our faces.  Linncn, you are safe from the evil twins, so sleep sweet ROFLMAOSad but true
Linncn, you are safe tonight.
I'm going to bed...have a great night!!!


Just so ya know..........if I didn't know about the ulnar drift, I'd have been really scared.

G'night.  Hope your hands feel better tomorrow.   And I hope your ulnars stop drifting. Phats if you had long nails with pink polish they'd be my hands.  It's the first time I've seen puffy hands with a definite red area....I've seen pics of hands on here but the first time I've seen mine, lol.Phats do you have Raynards? Mine get red like that but it's due to Raynards Syndrome. Quick dramatic temp changes bring it on quick. I sorry, about your hands, Phats. They look annoyingly, painful.
I am glad my fingers do not stay swelled all the time like they use to, and be annoyingly, painful.... now they are just plain annoying. Sorry, don't know how to make them any smaller! Wow ouch!!! Mine get stop sign red. But they do swell as much as that. I have a pretty good ulnur drift myself. Your poor hangnails. I have pouffy hangnails today but not so red. My ankles and shoulders are wanting all the attention today. Waiting for the nurse to call back from the RD office. I called gp because RD said to have GP call them if i started swelling and receptionist said for me to call. Whatever. So i said well at least please call me in some pain pills so i can walk. Well i have enough to get me by till Monday. LOL I called a pharmisist out of the phone book asked him a question he said i am a man i know everything. LOL He is in a town a little bit away and i said i will have to head over there sometime i was looking for one of those, a man that is. Just trying to make you laugh, looks like a good laugh would do you good. Last time i quit swelling i was eating honey lots of it. I am sure it was a fluke but i will go get some more anyway. It may not help the swelling but it will still taste good. I was eating it for it's antibiotic magic and i quit swelling. Thats probably how all of these home cures get started by whatever you are doing when you quit swelling must be the cure. Get well soon.hey Phats I'm really glad you posted this.
I just realized between this thread and my response thread, I've learned a bunch of new terms and "stuff" about RA.
Just when you think there can't possibly be any more stuff to cram into your brain..........there it is!
**edited because relaying the use of past tense from my brain to my fingers failed.............miserably........I am learning a lot too !  I don't know who posted the link to see the ulnar drift, but it is a great link! 
Lovie...I don't know about Raynaud's, no one has ever said anything.  I think it is just from inflammation.  I'll have to do some research.  Good Lord, I don't need anything else
Michele, OUCH!  I don't mean to exploit anyone, but it is kinda nice to see what other people look like and compare.  I know we are all individuals, but we have something terrible in common.  It is nice to know that we aren't alone!
I would show off my hands, but I am sure everyone is tired of seeing my body parts
Michele - my hands even at their worse never looked like yours. I am sorry yours get so swelled. I bet yours are extra annoying and painful.