Arthritis Information -Synvisc


Hi, I just had the first of 5 injections of synvisc... everything I read says that it is a 3 shot series... my MD said it is a 5 shot series... I'm confused!  Anyone have any info or have had the 5 injections??  I trust my MD, but am confused about this conflicting data.  I would appreciate any feedback!  Thanks!  Judith


Hey there,

I just started the Synvisc too--had my first injection today and was told by my rheumy that is a 3 shot series--can be repeated every 6 months.

I've never even heard of it Judith.

Welcome to AI; come over the the RA section and post your question there....surely someone here will know.

Again; Welcome.

series can be 3 or 5 depending on md's discretion.

i'm trying to find a md that will do injections of synvisc in the hip. fda only aproves it for the knee but md can use it for the hip and studies have shown it is helpful.

does anyone out there know of a md that will do synvisc in the hips in usa or outside the United States. Willing to travel. Will pay for procedure.
