RA in feet anyone? | Arthritis Information


I have been having pain in my left foot for a while - maybe a month or so. I have been taking my shoes off the second I get in the house and putting on my slippers. Anyway, it sort of feels like I have a marble that I'm stepping on by the joint of the toe next to the little toe. Geez this is hard to explain! But - when I feel the area with my fingers, I don't feel anyting in there - only when I stand up. Last nght I took off my slippers and I just stood there looking at my feet, they looked so red and hot and swollen and the "toe in question" is starting to move all the way over to the pinky toe. I now have a sort of large space between my last two toes (the pinky and the one next to it). I've been taking my ENbrel and Arava. Do you all think this could just be temporary inflammation or permanent?

I hope I desscribed this well enough.

Thanks.So yes. As we speak. Well i have swelling in my ankles for sure and well among other things. And my toe with the bunion is acting up so very badly. And my feet are actually making crunching noises. Well my shoulders hurt bad are swollen but my feet hurt worse than anything else today.HI Honey, how long since you have had Xrays of your feet, perhaps you could get that done and it may show if this is permanent or temp.  I have spaces getting bigger between my toes, on the right foot it is between the 2nd and 3rd toes and the left foot, between 3, 4 and 5th toes, I think it is par for the course for us.  Currently my main prob in my feet is plantar fascitis, I have a heel spur and the arches have dropped so pain is inevitable.  Its tough when you are trying to walk to lose weight though.  Anyhow, try not to worry too much but get it checked.  Cheers Janie. I have the marble feeling near my big toe on my right foot .

It comes and goes really on both feet when ever I am having a flare
of which I am having right now .
When the flare  calms down the marble feeling always goes with it .
My husband gives me essential oil rubs and that seems to help during these times.
My feet are probably affected by my RA the most.  It feels like I'm walking on a huge rock on both feet.  I have the space things as well but mine are between my middle toe and the toe next to the big toe.
It's hard to say if this is temporary or not.  Mine have been like this for a few years now..
Wouldn't hurt to mention it to your doctor though.

My problem is on the top of my foot (nodules) some time my feet hurt so bad I can hardly walk or stand on them.  My newest ailment is pain in my knees.

yeah I noticed for the first tiime yesterday that I was limping. I was in Border's bookstore limping. This is a huge realization for me. I don't know why. I guess because I don't know if it's permanent or not. I keep taking the relafen hoping that it's just swelling that will go down. I don't limp though if I wear my bedroom slippers (the Ugg slippers that are all fuzzy and padded inside.). I didn't leave the house today at all.
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