Skin problems from RA or MTX | Arthritis Information


HI guys, I wondered if any of you get this problem.   Whenever my scalp flares up which is usually always but at different levels, I know my ESR has gone up, but I have noticed that now I am getting bad skin on my face, like mild acne, its a pain, especially at 44, I suppose I could pretend I am a teenager.  Ha ha.  Just interested to know, thanks guys, Janie. Metho can cause acne and also it thins your skin. When I was on it I kept up with my skin doctor. You just have to be careful. They might be able to give some good products for your skin.
Good Luck!
I'm not on MTX, but I notice the acne when I have flares! I get all red on my chin and across the bridge of my nose and up the side of my face (not the Lupus malar rash, that stops across the cheeks, don't want to be the 1% of people who have lupus as well as RA of the 1% of people who get RA, that would just be freaky!) I'm 25, and look much younger, so people just palm it off due to my "youth."  I use acne washes and everything but it doesn't even work coz it's not even acne! Bummer! I don't really care, but my friend has suggested Minocycline, which you may want to talk to your doctor about if it's bothering you _popupCo Hi and thanks for your advice, yes, I have been off of prexige for a while now.  Can't take any antiinflammatories anymore, cause too many tummy problems.  Thanks again for your help, regards Janie.