OT but a small request | Arthritis Information


I have to post this link to this rant.  I don't normally ask too much of people in the way of requests but well, as I read this, I sat here and cried and I knew it was coming.  Please give him some feedback ok?  



Well, now I'm crying too.  I think Gar is an incredible human being.  It's one thing to say "I wish there was something I could do", but then another to actually move heaven and earth to get down there and do it.

Gar is right, we only see some of what is going on there.  It is so much worse than we see and imagine. I think it would be a life altering experience for Gar and your family. My cousin is a firefighter here in California and he went to NY after 9/11 to do whatever he could to help.  He still has break downs where he just cries, he says it was the worst and best exp of his life.  I'm sure it would be sort of the same.  The health concerns are a huge issue as it is wonderful that you would be taken care of while he's gone, but you need him to come back okay too.

Oh Wayney, I don't know what else to say, how are you feeling about this?

One thing I know for sure, we need more people like your husband.


Pam, I support him if that is what he wants to do...he'd be transferring so still being paid at work...just want a way to get his pay to me.  Other than that, I support him.  Fully.  I'll miss him.  But, I can deal with that. And knowing him, even if he went for work...he'd end up helping in other ways.


I don't know....I wouldn't want my husband going. I tried to respond; but didn't have time to register and all that. Here's a copy of what I WAS going to post in response to his "rant". He sounds like a cool guy. I'll check out more of his site when I get time:

I couldn't agree more. What's happening in New Orleans is horrible. It totally blows my mind. You have armed gun men shooting at the people that are trying to help them. What on earth is wrong with these people? What's the point in that? Have they totally lost their minds due to this tragidy or are they just now having major crack withdraws? I just don't know how else to explain it.
I'll admit; I'd take food and water...and things to survive under those circumstances; I don't think anyone blames them for that...but like you pointed out; what on earth are you planning on doing with that 36' Plasma TV? Surely there's not a market for stolen items such as this during these desperate times. What exactly do you plan to do with it? Continue to drag it around from shelter to shelter while you're sleeping on a cot and borrowing a blanket?

As for you leaving your family and going there to help out at a gas station? Althought it's very noble of you to want to help those in need....your own family needs you more. You will only be one in thousands there to help. Your contribution although very noble, will not make nearly as much difference as you being home with your family protecting them. What if one of these crazy, desperate people in LA or MS decide to shoot you so they can get the gas they so desperately need for their stolen car to get out of town. They won't care that you are there to "help" them. They are desperate remember? They are excusing all of their barberic behavior with this excuse. They are doing whatever they have to to survive. They no longer have anything to lose in some of their opinions. You however have much to lose...and so does your family.

Your responsability is with your family; and protecting them. These are crazy times in our own country and it will not surprise me at all to see all of this maddness spilling over into surrounding states with in the coming months.

Just my thoughts...and I think a lot of you for even considering helping.

Let Gar know of my response if he's around the computer when you're logged on. I do admire his compassion for our country and those so despreately in need. He's a good man.


I'll make sure he sees it.  But if it is ok with you, I can post it to his blog.  You can do it anonymously or even with your name without an account...although at the moment i  can't say how....blanking... ah yeah...where is says choose identity...you can either click on anon.  or other.  no registering needed...i'm not registered and i post...occasionally anonymously. 

go ahead and do it for me Wayney if you have time...I really don't have time to figure it out this afternoon....I'm barely back and forth here.


Wayney,  I read Gar's blog.  It is very generous of Gar to want to do this but I agree with Lovie.  For now, he should be with his family.  There are ways to help.  Volunteer at your local Red cross or Salvation Army.  They need help packaging and shipping supplies and will need it for some time.  There are other skills that Gar and you have that can help those in need and you can be together with Bastian.  There is no lack of bodies there, there is a lack of organization.  Help out with organizations that are experts at disasters.   I would be proud of Gar and support him and keep him at home safe.  There are ways you can do this together.  Sharing this experience will enrich your lives and love.  I wish I were not feeling so poorly.  I have learned that volunteering is so rewarding.  You can even get Bastian involved.  I had Kelsey doing community service since she was five years old.  I always told her "we have to give back because we are so fortunate".  No matter what you decide to do.  I am glad I share this world with you. 

Did you hear what Karen said about all the people in Texas; and all the trouble that's come their way? The people of Texas are trying to help these folks....but in return; they are being robbed, car jacked and rapped!!

I know that it's only a hand full of people doing these bad things compaired to the number of folks desperate for help; but I'm still very concerned about the coming weeks, and months ahead.

Roxy makes alot of sense. Theirs plenty that can be done from home to help. You need to keep your family together during these uncertain times.

No disrespect intended toward Gar. I really do admire his desire to help...but I'm worried about you....and Bastian.

What Lovie said!


As the days unfold, I too am concerned and worry about Gar's safety and the well being of your family.  I believe that the crimes we are hearing about are like Lovie says a handful of people in a sea of people desparate for help. Thank god for good people who are willing to give what they can and thank god for people like Gar, who are willing to leave the comfort of their lives to help try and restore something to people that have lost everything. I believe there are people that are called into action by situations like this, and just can't do anything other than get into the thick of it and do wht they can.  I know my cousin and I'm sure if he is not there already, he is arranging time off so he can go. He too has a young family and his wife like you though scared backs him up 100%.  That's just how he is.

Lovey is right, the gas station can't be a safe place to be while people are so desparate to get out of there. I am hopeful that as we see more and more military presence and people are relocated to create some balance that the crime will not be as prevelent. 

I have been checking in at the blog and there are some good ideas as far as ways to help.  If it were my husband I could understand and support a decision either way.  My love and prayers are with you and your family in the making of this decision.  In the event that Gar chooses to go I will be praying everyday for his safe and healthy return.

  people get killed every day just living their daily lives...for us, it's a real issue we've discussed becuase of the incidence of robberies in gas stations.  but as gar says, he could be killed in a car accident on his day off.  no one knows when their time is up.  live life to the fullest...all that stuff people say about seizing the day.   part of it is training though.  how you react in a bad situation. if he lived in fear of being robbed, well, he'd not have his job.  he's been robbed.  at gunpoint.  for less than .  he's well trained to hand over the money or whatever else they want.  saving the company money is not worth his life.  and even after the robbery, he was back at work the next day.  life is too uncertain to worry about the maybes.

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