Hmmm, I feel pretty good | Arthritis Information


Yep, you read that right.  I don't feel great, but the last couple of days I feel pretty good.  Even though my left ankle and foot are swollen like a balloon, it doesn't hurt that much.  I overdid it with walking through stores yesterday and I'm still alright.  My low back actually gave out on me this morning and I almost fell, but after a few minutes it was like it never happened.  I did aquatic physical therapy today and it was easy.  So what's the problem?

The first is the fear that any moment will come the backlash, so I am trying hard not to keep overdoing it.  The second is that due to the never-ending sinus infection, I am on my second course of Augmentin and I stopped taking the Imuran on Monday (I'm scheduled to start it again tomorrow).  Seems a little suspicious that when I stop the Imuran, I start to feel a little better.  What the heck does that mean?  And third, I sorta suspect that I am still having bad pain, but am somehow inexplicably handling it much better.  Like right now, I can feel the pain in my hands and fingers, but it's not making me crazy.  Kind of like when pain meds really work know the pain is there but you don't care.
I dunno.  It's very confusing.
Can anyone relate?  Do you think the Imuran has anything to do with it?
InnerGlow2008-03-06 21:15:32Maybe that movement you have been giving your body is starting to kick in and it is becoming less painful to do and helping your body in other ways. Or have you thought it could be the Rituxan after all Lynne49 had given up when it kicked in at six months. Who knows what it is yet? Just keep track of what happens in the next week or so. Write it down so you can see the patterns.

I do know what it is like to still have pain and swelling but feel better regardless. It is confusing at first and very scary. We do tend to get frightened when we feel better after we have felt so rotten for so long. It is scary to think maybe you will go back to the nightmare.

Deep breaths, Inny. Don't overdo it and let's just see what happens with you.

I did consider that it could be a "Rituxan miracle", but the timing with the Imuran is making me very suspicious.  Guess I will have to wait and see.
One other thought...maybe the sinus infection is finally starting to go away and that's what's giving me this "feeling better" feeling.  So many few answers.
I know, there are so many's just a matter of wait and see what happens to you in a week or so...could be the sinus lifting too as that can make you incredibly miserable so when it goes, geez does one feel better.

I know this is scary but there is probably not much you can do to see what it may be from until you have felt better for a time.

Relax, if you can, I know that is easier said than done and enjoy feeling better for once. Celebrate it. With severe RA we have some many bad times so we really deserve the good ones.

Keep us updated. I hope it continues for you. Then we may be able to work out what it is.

How you are describing it feels very similar to how I felt with the Rituxan kicked in which is why I mentioned it. I still felt stuff for a while but I also felt so much better at the same time. Have your energy levels gone up???
Well I am glad to hear you can handle the pain.  I hope like heck it continues to improve for you.Glad you are feeling better, InnerGlow.
As for the Imuran, maybe it was that was making you feel so bad and all because it was supressing your immune system too much to fight off the sinus infection.
I am not sure. Not like I know what I am talking about. Just a thought because on my bottle of Imuran it says "May Lower Your Ability to Fight Off Infections". Just makes sense that if you stay on it while having an infection, that your body will... I do not know what I am saying. Just disregard it, but if you can make something outta it, then happy to have a half thought. Joonie's got a good point. It may be. You may finally be beating that stupid infection off!
And Wooohooo for you!
I have one should re-name this post "Wooohoo, I feel pretty good" I should smack you for posting "uh oh"

Yes!! Come on Suzanne!! I'll dance with you. I've been feelin' good too ( and but it's better than never!!) I told you I was gonna send out those good vibes! Maybe it worked!!!

Congrats InnerGlow - I am now on day 5 of feeling good, its slipping from great, but still good.  Hope yours keeps going too.  It's a relief, isn't it?  CathySuzanne, I think it's the new doo!!
I'm not up to dancing (I'm probably a 7.0 instead of my usual 8.5 on the pain scale) but I promise I'll try to enjoy it, at least a little, and not spend all my time dwelling on the why's and wherefore's.
While the Imuran definitely makes you more susceptible to sinus infections, the ones I've had before always went away after a couple of weeks, while the never-ending one started less than 3 weeks after my Rituxan infusions.  Tonight, I can feel my sinuses are still all swollen, so I'm starting to doubt my guess that the feeling better is about the sinus infection, but who knows.
I know i am still hoping the ENT can help me out with the sinus infection. I have my moments when i feel better for a little bit then it is bothering me again. All i expect to happen Tuesday is for him to order a cat scan so i have a while to go yet before getting a clear answer. Then part of me is wondering if i should be going to the allegry specialist instead. It is very confusing. Well i guess the ENT can refer me to the allergist if he feels it is necassary.