pool theraphy | Arthritis Information


has anyone tried pool theraphy? down the road there is a ciropractor, that has hydromax threraphy what it consists of is that you are on a treadmill and they lower you into the pool and you walk according to your strength. im going to call and check my insurance if its covered.  i'll let you guys know



Hi Deb,

That sounds so great.  I wish I had that down my

road.  Both my GP and RD have mentioned pool exercise as a great way to move without putting alot of stress on the joints

I hope your ins will pay, can't wait to hear

It is wonderful.  For the 45 minutes in the water, I feel almost normal.  Very little pain or stress on the joints.  I got teary-eyed the first time (from the joy), cuz I can stand up the entire time and walk thru the water. They have me do simple excercises and some stepping.

Even though the "after" pain has been worse due to not using muscles for so long, they say it will lessen as I go along.  And for me, it's worth the trade-off for those 45 minutes of heaven.  There is a power chair that gets me in and out of the pool.

I've been told the hydrotherapy is excellent for the joints.  My friend is a doctor and he has always told me that I need to sit in a whirlpool for 60 minutes daily....but I don't have the jacuzzi nor the time!Ah yes... swimming is the best.  Me and my boys go at least once a week, sometimes twice.  It's hard because we work long hours sometimes and my car had some unrepairable damage, I had to scrap it.  I am looking for a new one but in the meantime, I carpool to work and everywhere else I bike ride which is also great exercise for people with RA.  But I love swimming the best, It makes me feel so good and creates such great energy. After I'm done it's like "YEAH...Bring it all ON!!!  LOL


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