"Alli" for weight loss, and RA | Arthritis Information


Yes, I tried Xenical and had no problems with it...my doctor said there'd be no problems with my RA meds.

Good luck!
hey babe, i haven't been on for a couple days.. is ali the new really expensive vitimin kinda med? like 50 bucks? sooo beyond me..
I totally understand about the weight.. this month.. w/ cramps.. gawd crazy w/ food.. and my Knees and Back are really hurting (back isn't ra.. just hurts..~ohh yeah, from trying to catch a falling entertainment center.. ugh and trying to put back heavy tv.. finally got neighbor!
kel.. what is this X med??? tell me more!!
and can ali be prescribed?? any weight loss drugs.. is fine.. and as far as body chemisty, hey ours are already effed up.. LOL..  so don't see any problem w/ adding more stuff.. LOL

Sorry, I do. 


Blocking an enzyme - that can't be good.
Alli is available OTC. I've seen it at Kerr Drug where I get my meds. Been tempted to look into it myself here lately. I'm not that over weight.....but seem to be stuck here lately at a number I'm not happy with. Not sure if it's for me though.

Whispered...Xenical is the prescription version of Alli....I believe Xenical is twice as strong though.  That's the reason I tried the Xenical instead of Alli.  MY doctor prescribed it so I paid .00 for my prescription, compared to the .00 it would have cost me for Alli.

Lovie...A few years back, before Alli was available OTC, it (Xenical) was used only for ppl with a lot of weight to lose.  Now though, a doctor can prescribe Xenical (or u can buy Alli) to anyone who wants to lose any amount of weight.  I have 20lbs I'd like to get rid of so I tried it (My mother, who still uses Alli has about 5 lbs she's wanting to lose) and didn't have any problems with it.  If you eat a low fat diet, you won't have any of the leakage problem associated with Xenical and Alli...at least I didn't.  But if you eat something high in fat be prepared for that....now, I didn't have any leakage, but I did notice the oily discharge (the fat) when using the toilet. 

I decided not to take Xenical anymore because I know that there's really only one way to get rid of these few pounds I wanna get rid of....eat better foods and in proper amounts and increase activity.  It's worked for me before and it'll work for me again

Good luck though, to those who try it!
Bump and I have no experience with it - perhaps someone else in here has more info - CathyAqua aerobics.  Safe, natural, and easy on the joints.
How far is the nearest Bally's?  You can buy discount memberships from people dumping them.  Also, how about PT.  Can your doctor order it?  There's got to be a hospital around.
So these things really work if you can't exercise daily?
To put it plainly, i was skinny, had my kid and lost the weight again, got the norplant birth control in the arm and gained 100lbs in 22 days.  This was 14yrs ago.
For the life of me, i could not loose the weight.  For years before the BIG RA flair, i exercised my butt off, tried atkins over 6 months and tried all sorts of others for 6 months or more and i never EVER lost one pound.
So, i sit here over 200lbs now wishing i could do something to take the weight off my knees.

Bubba...you gained 100lbs in 22 days?  What did you doctor say about this??

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