OT Survivor | Arthritis Information


Anyone see it?  It was really good.  Very happy with who got the boot. I saw most of it, thrilled he's gone, but I missed when everyone got hurt.  What happened?It was during the reward challenge.   They had to run around this kind of obsacle course in pairs, two pairs at a time.  The one pair had flags stuck in the back of their pants  (or stuck somewhere) and the other pair had to chase them around to try and grab a flag.  They had one minute to do it.  Anyway, people got slammed around pretty good.

Didn't see how Jonathan got cut though.  I don't think it was during the challenge.
He got cut because Cire (sp?) convinced everyone that you get rid of the physically talented because she knows they'll go after the weak link, and she pointed out that she's a weak link too.  That made sense to people.  What's his name, hhmmm, the talented smaller but very physical guy, great swimmer...anyway, he finally agreed when she said if we get rid of the blonde guy that's useless and keep Jonathan, we can't use Jonathan as a pawn cause he does have a chance to win but the blonde guy is useless can be used and will never win.
Kind of a smart girl....and under the radar.
Ozzy, that's the really athletic little guy.  I was surprized how quickly he flipped to voting off Joel. I didn't mind Joel till probably the middle of the show last night.  he was so mean about Chet, it made not like him.
I don't know why people just do whatever Cire tells them to do.  I mean, she is one of the physically weaker players and she doesn't seem to bring much to the table otherwise either.  She must have something though because people do follow her.
ahhh sighs of bliss!!!
Other survivor viewers... ugh i was sooo annoyed by the way, they voted off joel..
they have a very very weak physical tribe and chet, gawd what a wimp!!!
and no he doesn't even try.. and theres very little one on one camera time, w/ him, bc
he's sooooooooooooo boring.. did love the part about how he liked chickens.. LOL
Jonathan got hurt, thru the obstacle course, he got a branch puntured his thigh.. and looks like it turns serious,...
Ozzie, is the otter.. the great swimmer... just wondering whats going to happen to all the romances.. but seriously annoyed byhow he got played by the women, people are underestimating cherie!~ still dumb move, to vote off the strongest..
anyone else a fan of Rob and Amber... LOVE them!!!

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