question about RA and fibro | Arthritis Information


I was just wondering from anyone who knows or has fibro, how common is it to have along with RA?  what are symptoms and how r they different from the RA symptoms?  I have had so much fatigue and pain all over; muscle pain and spasms and nerve pain on top of the joint symptoms and I am just trying to figure out if something else could be involved too.  Also, I hope this doesnt offend anyone but is it uncommon to get at a young age? It seems like all the media on fibro is that usually people slightly older than me get it (I am ignorant on this; I have not studied it yet) any info is appreciated. (I am 29)Their are several here who have both.  If you do an on site search, you should find a thread about this very topic.  I remember their was one called  "RA or Fibro?"  Try searching that.  Or you can just wait a while, someone will come alon to answer you.  Not me, I'm a one disease only kinda girl.   Disease monogomy.  Knock on wood. thank you for the replies.  I read the article cordelia and I thought it was really interesting. I have no idea if i may be dealing with that too; I guess I will talk to doc about it; appt today.  Thanks again!  :)The two...RA and Fibro do go together a lot but don't preempt anything. The doctor's will work out all that stuff. It is common to have several auto immune diseases. I just have one, thank goodness, but it's aggressive and severe.  Hi, I have both. Although i admit that I am not much of a good example for you. I was diagnosed with JRA when i was 3 and FMS when I was 17. Funny enough I knew I had FMS before my RD did. I was the one that informed her that I thought I had it because many of my symptoms at this time reflected those of my friend who had FMS.

You just reminded me though now to look into it more. It has never been a big problem that it has with many others I know with the disease. But just recently (well actually the last few years) I have been getting worse and do not know why. I need to read up on it more to see if it is my RA or FMS (although I am not experiencing symptoms to me that are the same as FMS).