Bilaterial Knee Replacement | Arthritis Information


Has any one on this site done a bilaterial knee replacement?  I am going in on March 18th to get my right knee replaced.  My left knee has been hurting like the dikens too.  So the Dr. is going to go in and look at it while I am having my right knee replaced.  I had figured that if it was at all bad, I would go back in a couple of months and replace the left knee.  But, now my dh has suggested doing a bilaterial if the left is also bad.  What are your thoughts?  I don't know which would be worse for my RA (I am flaring in all joints at this time and no DMARD's are working).  Is an intense recovery period better for the rest of my body than two recovery periods and two surgeries?  Would love to hear some thoughts.

I had my knees done 3 months apart and if I'd had  my choice I'd have probably done them at the same time.  Many people I've talked to have said the bilateral surgery is the way to go due to the recovery.  I know having a bad knee and trying to PT from the surgery on the good knee was very hard.  I guess it all depends on the person.  Good luck with your surgery.  That happens to be the same day I'm having hand surgery.Get well soon. If dh is for it and willing to take on the challenge it may be better for you. I bet you will not think so at the time but would probably appreciate it when your healed. I have not had mine replaced but have had several knee surgeries so probably have to figure out the same thing someday.