Anyone heard from Mona ? | Arthritis Information


I last heard her say she was feeling badly. Anyone know how she is doing ? Mona how are you?No, I have not heard from her. But kinda remember she was busy with redoing her kitchen. I think... not sure.

I hope she is feeling better and will be back to posting soon.
I am also missing, Brisen. Hi You Guys thanks for thinking about me. 
Condensed version.....1) 8 days straight of remodeling the kitchen, (half through) 2) my aunt, dads last surviving sibling (84 yrs) was in the hospital all this week with pneumonia and heart failure, she passed away yesterday. Her only son is devestated, bless his heart. 
6) my dr's appt has been canceled twice due to the dr having the flu...go Apr.5th....finger still numb.
 That's all for now, I'm sure you don't want boring details.
I've read a few posts, good to see you Milly...and poor Link with the horrible flare!sorry that you are going through all of this sadness and worry. Get better soon.Mo-Nana! *hugs* Hang in there! We just like to know you're actually still alive, that's all ;-)
Sorry for all that you're dealing with :( We love you though!!!!!

MO!!  Poor Link is feeling better today :)  I'm glad you checked in, I've missed you. 

My husband has a cyst on the top of his head but the doc say his is no big deal.  But when he gets his hair cut short, it looks like he has a robyn's egg buried under his hair!  I'm sure Trey's surgery will be just fine.  So sorry to hear about the death of your aunt.  Gotta be rough on your dad too.

I hope you'll be back soon.  Do you know whatever happened to Gale?

Awww... I am sorry to hear all of that, Mo'Nana.
But boy I have missed ya!
Get back to us when you can.
Much Hugs!
