Well Now I Just Feel Goofy | Arthritis Information


I just feel goofy now. I have realized that I have been confused, I mean really confused, about the symptoms of Fibro. I have mistakenly thought one of the symptoms of Fibro was joint swelling, that is why I was trying to see if I could distinguish the 2. But after reading an article on IC which took me to a link about Fibro, I decided to read... I noticed that one of the symptoms was not joint swelling, but the feeling of being swelled, like edema.

I am telling you... I should not be allowed to research my diseases, when my brain is not functioning properly. I guess today was one of my days of "clearity" LOL!
So that means, my wrists have decided to join in on the J/RA train again. BOO!
Welp, no more having to worry about which is what now, because as of right now it is ALL J/RA causing my joint swelling.
Thanks for putting up with my confussed mind and thoughts. Cannot promise it will not happen again, but ya know how it goes.
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