golf balls in your armpit feeling? | Arthritis Information


Okay, I know this sounds stupid, but golfballs in the armpits is exactly how it feels. I have pretty much decided its really swollen lymph nodes, but I don't know if its a)one of those things that will happen and go away and don't worry. b)worry c) call my RD or PCP. It is actually bad enough to wake me in the night if I roll the wrong way. I feel freaky. Please tell me someone else has had this problem......Anyone?

Laura T
Ummmm... I have not had that, but I remember reading about it some time last night, but not like I retained what I had read.... I remember Lymph nodes in armpits.... soo... I am no use to you either way. Sorry.
But I would say tomorrow call the doctor and get it seen about since it is keeping you awake at night.
Keep us posted on what it was. Are you talking about both armpits, or one?  I've had that happen with one armpit.  It was very sore and very swollen and it's happened to me more than once.  It also seems to have something due to my menstral cycle...once my period starts, the swelling goes down and the pain is gone and soon it's back to normal.  I mentioned this to my doctor and although I don't remember the exact reason behind it, he did say that it IS connected to my cycle and not unheard of.
If though, this is both or actually even if it's just the one armpit, it's always best to talk with your doctor about this type of thing.
I'd be interested in knowing what you find out.
I get swelling not exactly in the arm pit middle but more like the sides of my arm pits and it makes my arm pits feel like ground up hamburger meat. My son once when younger had a big giant lymp node swell up in the middle of his arm pit because a sick cat scratched him. I had a little knot in my arm pit years ago and the doc thought it was not a lymph node. So best to check it out.