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Here's an interesting article: http://www.bmj.com/cgi/content/full/310/6979/587  It contains one of the few references I've seen as to how test results are interpreted. 

(Be advised this is an article to help doctors in their diagnosis and doesn't sugarcoat anything. )

I came across this in another attempt to blame my deteriorating eyesight on RA.  No luck, looks like I'm just getting old ... :)
Joy2008-03-09 15:02:48Thanks for postingThanks Joy, I really like to read everything I can to better my knowledge, great information.,  Regards JAnie. You're welcome -- glad you find it useful too.  (I know I'm not the only info junkie on this forum!) 

"Knowledge is power." 
Sir Francis Bacon, Religious Meditations, Of Heresies, 1597,English author, courtier, & philosopher (1561 - 1626)
Joy2008-03-09 15:54:58Joy.. thanks for the article..
but why do you think your eye issues are NOT from RA? 
My Rheum sent me to an opthamologist because he diagnosed my RA
babs:  I can't find anything that says that change in vision is RA related.  All eye symptoms seem to include pain, dryness or viewable changes (including redness).  I've just noticed that my close-up vision has really deteriorated in the last year.  I now find myself holding small print away from me to read it.  Since the big 4-0 is facing awaiting me this year, the probably dx is age.

Did your Rhuem say specifically why he wanted you to see the ophthalmologist?  Do you have dry eyes or did he put you on a DMARD that affects eyesight?  Was he looking for a baseline of your vision?

However, if anyone has heard of vision-only changes as a result of RA, I'd love to hear about it.

Hmm, maybe it's my MTX ... perhaps I should do some more research from that angle ...

Edit:  Okay did research on MTX.  It can cause blurred vision, which I can't say that I have.  Howerver, I'm going to book an appointment with an ophthalmologist tomorrow.  Thanks, Babs, for the push in the right direction!
Joy2008-03-09 16:43:54
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