help? | Arthritis Information


Hi Im new,

I was wondering if someone can tell me more about Rheumatoid Arthitous. Im 18 and have just been diagnosed with it, ive searched it on the internet and to be honest...scared myself. I have it in my elbow, maybe my knees and maybe other places too.
Hi pollydolly.  Welcome to AI.  I'm sorry you had to find us, but you've come to a good place with good people who can help you out.

This is scary stuff at first, but gets less scary fast.  When we read the information we always focus on the worst-case scenarios.  But you know what?  Those are folks in the minority.  The majority of us are able to manage this disease well so that the RA simply become background noise in our busy lives. 

You'll find other young members on this board who can really relate to what you're going through.  Plus, you'll find us older folks who can show you that you have a good, long life ahead of you.  You'll even read stories of grandparents who lived into their 90s with it and lived good, happy lives.

So take a moment to breathe.  Do read up to make sure you know what kinds of questions to ask your doctor about.  But don't dwell on the worst-case stuff.  I know, hard to do. But focusing on the positive and having hope will bring you much peace. 

Also, take comfort in knowing that now that you have an answer for your pain, you will start receiving the treatment you need to feel better.  It may take a few months, but you will feel better than you do now.

And come back here to ask questions or just let of some steam -- any time.  We care and want to know how you are doing.

All the best,
Joy2008-03-09 19:27:43Welcome to the forum. Keep reading the post and ask quetions specifically and people will answer. Weekends can be a little slower than the week days here. I understand you are scared but your doctor will try to get you on the right track. Good luck and i am sorry you have this. I am sort of not feeling well today or i would have more to say, so i appologise for that i will try to answer you better tomorrow or when i am feeling better.Oh, there are other young girls on this forum that will be able to help you on this forum also. So stick around.Welcome to the board! Just stick around and you will have a better understanding of what RA is. But it is not all bad, as most of us post about symptoms when you are flaring or still waiting on meds to work. So do not get to scared reading what some of go thru.
Hope to see you around. Welcome Pollydolly-
 So sorry you are feeling anxious. In the beginning there is a lot of information to digest and what you are feeling is normal.
There are a lot of young people with RA that post on this message board so you will be in good company.
Dude, that sucks. I just turned 26 on Friday and was diagnosed about a month ago. It is a scary diagnosis, especially because RA hardly ever goes away, but if you stress and worry about it, it will just make everything worse for you. These first few months are apparently the hardest, and I am doing so worse week by week while I'm waiting for meds to kick in, but we have to do it, because there is a chance of remission and a normal, manageable life.

Stay positive and keep yourself well informed. There are good books for beginners around, and well informed, positive patients always do the best. Good luck!

You've found a good place, pollydolly.  I just joined a few days ago, and the support of others who know what you're going through is priceless.

I can completely relate to the "scary" factor.  I read so much "bad news" that I was beginning to think that my life was derailing... but then I found this site, and realized that life goes on with RA.  That's not to say that every thing is peachy... there will good days and bad days... but try to stay positive.  
Knowledge is power... and there's a lot of intelligent, supportive people on the board who can share their experiences with you.  Don't be afraid to ask lots of questions!!
Hang in there, pollydolly!  Welcome! 
Hang in there! 
Yes it is a bit scary, isn't it now? I'm not a little bit older and remember getting diagnosed with lymphoma. I have been through the ringer more times than I care to think and I was still  scared out of my mind. I could barely hold back the tears. But it's just a disease, like RA is, and life does go on. Welcome!

Hi Polly and welcome. I'm sorry you are scared. Sometimes too much knowledge is not a good thing. You always end up reading about the worse cases. RA is a roller coaster ride, you'll have your ups, downs, and curves but be strong and hold on and it will be alright. Have you seen a rheumatologist? What kinds of meds are you taking, if any? Just hang out here and post when you feel like it and you'll meet lots of awesome people of all ages and walks of life who are more than willing to share.
take care
hey pollydolly!

I am 20 years old and I was just diagnosed (this past tuesday) with psoriatic arthritis, which seems to be similar to rheumatoid. i have, more or less, the same questions as you so if you ever want to chat about how you are feeling feel free to contact me. I am just as lost as you are and could really use the support!
HI Pollydolly, Journal, journal , journal!!!  This is a must for future reference , what drugs you are taking, dates of any changes, reactions, what happened to cause a flare possibly, I find it an invaluable tool now but initially when I didn't have one, I would be sent to new specialists for pain management, orthopaedic stuff etc, and they ask you all these questions, I felt like such an idiot, but not anymore.  I really hope the Drs sort you out soon, try not to worry and you can ask/say pretty much anything on here, we won't mind, we are all in the same boat and these days it is a little less scary than years ago getting this diagnosis as the drugs are much better and plentiful.  Best of luck, hugs Janie. Hi Polly.  Believe me, it's scary to find out you have RA at any age.  I'm sorry you got hit so young though.  The good news is that when they find/treat it early, long term damage is minimal.  So you can contimue to look forward to a full happy and active life. :)  Have you seen a rheumatologist yet?  If not, do that right away.  The sooner you start treatment the better.  Please keep us posted and feel free to ask ANYTHING.  Someone hee always knows the answer.  Welcome!Welcome Polly - sorry to hear of your diagnosis at such a young age.  You'll have adjustments to make, but sometimes in an odd way those adjustments in how your live your life can be positive.   Ask questions, share your fears, be patient, take one step at a time and find a rheumy you feel comfortable with as you'll be with them for quite a while.  You have a great resource with all the wonderful people here.
Take care
Welcome. Hi Polly,
Welcome.  I'm so sorry you're facing RA at such a young age, but if you have to have it, that has it's advantages, as you've already been told.  We'll do everything we can to answer your questions and help you along.  But, please don't be frightened by what may seem to be a majority of posts about problems.  This is a support group so naturally there will be a lot of posts with regard to negative topics. But there are so, so many people, like my sister with RA and my niece with lupus, who never post because they're doing so well and are just too busy with life.  So don't think we represent what it will be like for you.  It could very well be that in a short time, you'll have no more need for our advice and support and that's just fine!  
Hi Polly...welcome!I am going to try this again and hope I don't post twice.  My computer is acting up.
Hello and Welcome Polly.
Stick around there are a lot of smart people on this board who I am sure will be able to answer just about any question you have.
Welcome Polly,
I'm new here too and I'm sure you're feeling "overwhelmed."  Just take one day at a time, learn what you can and between you and the docs you will find a treatment plan that works and you can get on with your life
Thanks everyone, I cannot believe how much of a welcome I had there...everyone is just so lovely. Im going to see a specialist when I get an appointment...
what treatments are there?
I did lok some up but didn't understand them to be honest with you all
Thankyou so much
I can put my mind at ease
