Good Day | Arthritis Information


Welp today was a pretty good day. Not much of anything going on with my body today. But last night was a whole nother story. I had to take muscle relaxer & darvocet. My right hip was throbbing with pain and making my right knee throb with pain as well. It was beginning to remind me of what happened last October.... so I took a pain pill to keep it from getting any worse.

Woke today feeling good, all joints moving better, not much swelling... it feels like the high dose pred is working, unlike the first 9 days of being on the pred taper.
Oh and my mind... it feels bright & clear today. That is a BIG plus. I was beginning to think my mind had left the building and went home with Elvis
Just wanted to share my good day with ya'll, since I share so many of my bad days with ya.   WOO HOO WTG JOONIE!!
Glad to hear it. My day was so/so. I put the kids to work around the house and rewarded them with girl scout cookies. LOL I wouldn't let them have them until they did everything I asked them to do. HEY< it worked and they are 15 and 20 years old. While they were cleaning, I sat in recliner and was eating them and rubbing it in how good they were. Never seen my kids work so fast. Bribery, I recommend it.
Oh... that sounds like FUN!
I did clean the living room & vacuumed the other day. I felt the compulsive need to clean the living room and vacuum. Of course it is a mess again now, son likes to bring all of his toys to the living room and play.
I was planning on cleaning the bathroom and dining room, by clean I mean... sweep, mop and scrub. But I did not get around to it, because I slept in, thanks to the pain pill, muscle relaxer & Nortriptylin I took around 3am.
Oh well... there will be more good days... well should be since I will be getting an increase in Remicade infusion tomorrow. Hoping it will help me and take away some of this swelling for a while.

woohoo for good days! I am so glad that you finally got to enjoy one. I hope you didn't over do. Let's hope tomorrow is another good one!

Thanks Deb. Nope did not over do it. I spent most of the day sleeping, but I usually wake up feeling like crap and today was different, because everything was down to a minimal of swelling. I bet if I had gotten up earlier in the day I probably would have over done it, because I made a "mental to do list" and well it involved cleaning 2 rooms of the house LOL! I'm glad you had a good day.  I hope there are many more.  Glad to hear you are feeling better Joonie.dear joonie
 glad you had a good day
Apparently, today was another good day. Even the Remicade nurse noticed I was a little faster at walking and a little more "peppy"