Exercising & RA Excerpts | Arthritis Information


As a general rule try not to work through the pain regardless. Your body is telling you, when it hurts, that you are doing too much and if the discomfort lasts for more than an hour after exercise, you have overdone it.

Also, any exercise that causes swelling of the affected joints is detrimental. Use heat and painkillers before exercising and ice packs afterwards.

Secondly, think for yourself. You know what causes you pain. While you should expect some discomfort or even pain as you begin a new regimen of exercise, the pain shouldn't last more than an hour or so after finishing the exercise. If you are experiencing a flare in a particular joint adjust your exercise so that you won't damage the joint while it is swollen.
Consider various forms of exercise. If you have been immobile for a while or even walking hurts. Start with isometric exercises to strengthen your muscles without using your joints. As you build strength you can add weight-bearing exercises using light dumbbells or elastic bands. Start with a few repetitions and build up gradually as your strength builds.
joonie2008-03-10 00:02:15
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