Methotrexate question | Arthritis Information


Hey-My rhuemy recently upped my methotrexate by one pill.  This is the second weekend with the increased dosage.  I was fine last weekend, and I was fine the day after the second dosage, but the past two mornings I've been nauseous.  A delayed reaction doen't make sense, but what else could it be?  Anyone have anything similar happen? What dosage are you on now?  I'm not sure if the MTX is causing the nausea or not since it's been going on for two days.  I just finished getting over that myself since switching to the injectible, which isn't supposed to happen.  What I'm trying to say is, everyone reacts so differently that maybe you can have stomach trouble for two days.  What helped me so much while on the pills, was dividing the dose throughout the day.  Two at lunch, two at dinner then I took four at bedtime.  It made all the difference and it was some wonderful person on these boards who told me about that.  My RD said it's fine to do that, so it might work for you too.  Let us know how you're doing. I haven't had this happen...but maybe it's just a coincidence?  See what happens next week...then go from there.  I agree with the water advice given by SnowOwl.  Hope it doesn't last.Thanks-I'm not taking that much-only 10mg.  And the weird thing was that it didn't bother me the day after, but 2 days after.  I do get the tired thing the next day for sure.  I may  have to just wait out the week, and see how the next weekend goes.  Thanks again, off to PT-I'll ck. back.