hi everyone sorry I just need to vent | Arthritis Information


Hi everyone I have not posted in awhile because  of a misunderstanding awhile back but I need to tal; to someone maybe you can call it venting. I have been fighting this  ra for quite awhile and have been living with it since I was young as my father also had severe ra and back then there was not a whole lot of treatment options. So anyway my ruematologist hqad me try mtx and remicaid the week after my first remicaid infusion I developed a very bad ccase of mono so off remicade and mtx then tried to go back on mtx but it made me sick and bothered my breathing so back on plaquinel 2xs aday and going to try remicaid again I am waiting for apt. I alaso have severe disk disease in my back so have constant pain so my primary care doc said lets try a pain mangement doctor and maybe we can get it under control so tried to do mri but couldnt lay on my back for 2 hours to do the images made through about 20 minutes went back to my pain doc he looked at me and said why are you here? yOU DONT LOOK LIKE YOU HAVE ARTHRITIS!! WHO TOLD YOU DID? ok at this point he goes well in the ansar test it didnt show alot of pain? Well I was on a prednisone dose pack because I couldnt walk the saturday before the test.....        Oh well he decided the only thing ewrong with me is muy weight and probably isnt anything he can do for me but he will get me to take xrays of my spine and stuff just to see.......\

sorry about the long post but I had to vent  why r some doctors such jerks?
I know I need to loose weight but when you cant move and if you do you r in bed for 2 days after what can I do?
thank you everyone
I am sorry you have to go through that.  I for one never knew you could look at a person and tell if they had arthritis.  He must have went to a different medical school than any doctor I have ever been too.
It is very horrible when doctors treat you bad.  I hope it gets better for you.  Or hopefully you can find someone new who will listen and treat you the way you should be treated.

Oh sweetie, I can relate. I was sent to pain clinic for my ddd and at first appt, dr told me all these wonderful things they could try to help control my pain. 2nd visit, injected my neck in 6 places. After that I never saw him again, it was a PA.

Last week she said I didn't need to come back because my pain was all RA related and there was nothing more they could do that my Rheumy couldn't. I cried all the way home.
It's all so frustrating! Can your Rheumy's office fax over your dx, so your pain doc knows you mean business? hang in there, things have to get better, right?
It's not that some dr's are jerks.  It's that sometimes jerks become doctors.  You know what i used to say to my kids when they'd meet some mean kid?  I'd say sorry but the sad truth is that their are mean people in the world.  You just met one.  Don't ever be one.Sorry you had such a bad experience!! that dr needs to be educated!! grrr
hope you can find a different dr... for a dr, to say you don't look sick,  is soo incredibly ignorant and even stupid..
and you're right about the weight,.. if you can't walk...
Doobgirl32, what is an ansar test?
"ok at this point he goes well in the ansar test it didnt show alot of pain?"
Doobgirl32, the only thing worse than having a chronic illness is having one that leads you to a doctor who is an ignorant jerk.  You need some compassion and understanding, not judgment.  Just once I wish we could wave a wand over these insensitive doctors and make them feel their patient's symptoms, just for a day or so.  Oh yeah, they'd be a lot more understanding then.  He's just one doctor.  Kick him to the curb and look for someone who will give you the medical support you need.  He/she is out there.  I'm sorry for your terrible encounter with the pain doctor. I agree with Jesse that you really need to get a different pain doc. How ignorant to say you don't "look" like you have arthritis! Was he wearing his "Captain America X-Ray Goggles"?
I just had an MRI a week ago and it is very hard these days to keep still. The techs. used to compliment me all the time about how compliant I was when getting these tests. But the past five years, things have become so bad that it takes every bit of will power I have to complete the test. I knew the last one was going to be miserable, so I asked my doctor for a Valium or some kind of sedative to take for the MRI. He rx'd ONE valium, 10mg. which helped greatly, but they still had to go back and do one part over because I moved involuntarily. 
You do not have to settle for a doctor like that. I don't know where you live, but most insurances allow you a second opinion or to change your doctor if you want to.
Please let us know how you are doing.
Hugs, Nini
edited to correct spelling of "ignorant"
What exactly do they do on that test?  I'm just curious since I've never heard of it.
Yes, do tell.  What is this amazing inanimate object that knows better than we do how much pain we're in?  it supposedly something with sympathetic pain etc i dont quite understand when i google it. if someone else can figure it out let me know pleaseIt is sad but true doobgirl, overweight women are treated differently than women their age of normal weight. I see this all the time. And then take an overweight woman with CFS, some doctors roll their eyes. It makes me mad. Try if you can to get the weight off, it will help your back in the long run. Your doctor is a jerk and very insensitive. I'm sorry you are going through all of this.
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