mona-vie | Arthritis Information


has anyone tried mona-vie?   it is a drink of fruit juice with a wonderful berry from the amazon in it.  you take 2 oz in am and 2 oz in pm.  i started it the end of last week.  i am begining to see an improvemnt.   let me know if anyone has tried this?   it is suppose to help with lots of illnesses.   i am always willing to go out of the box for treatment.  i would like others opinions.  thanks, wonderwomanI tried something equal to it for about 6 months, didn't work much for me.  It was compareable to it.  My father in law tried mona vie brand and it didn't work for him either.  He was perky and so was i from it, but nothing for our symptoms.I tried 6 bottles,didn't work for me sorry.too bad i was hoping for a miracle in a bottle   i guess no such thing!oh i have tried new vision's liquid minerals.  they helped.   but they kept increasing their product line and i could not afford to keep it up.  i felt like if i was going to sell it i had to know how all their products worked on me.... it became too expensive.Hey Wonderwoman ,If the mona vie is working for you you should just keep

using it . What works for one person might not work for the next.
You said that you are seeing a difference all ready . Keep it up girl!!
hey johnathan just thought i would let you know this topic has been discussed.  wonderwoman