First 2/3 years of the disease | Arthritis Information


Hello all,

This is my first post here. I'm from Poland and I don't have RA, but my GF has it.

She is on MTX 20mg a week + metypred (Methylprednisolonum) 12mg a day.
She has been on MTX for about 9 weeks now and it doesn't really help at all.
Her doctor told her she has really severe RA that is hard to control. She told her also that the first 2-3 years of the disease are the most important when it comes to stopping changes to the bones and joints. She stated that if the disease is well controled in the first 2-3 years when the most damage is happening, then there is a big chance of avoiding disability.
Is that true?

The doc also tries to put her on biologics (Humira - only for four months - they have no money to get her more of that). The only other way to get biologics is to buy them ourselves - but this is like ,000 a year.

Is it worth it to get it for a year to try to control the RA to avoid disability in the long term?

Thanks and regards,

yes..once damage occurs it cannot be repaired and in RA function is more limited by damage than by any other reason.

I don't know what your medical system is like but I hope your gf gets the meds she needs
I would say that it's worth every penny to control it for as long as you can.  I wonder if the company's assistance plans are only for here in the US?  I mean, it's not like it's government assitance.  Find out who makes Humira and call them.  Sometimes they will help with the cost.  I don't take that drug so I don't know the number, otherwise I'd give it to you myself. 
Hope things work out for your girlfriend.
I think your girlfriend also needs to give the MTX more time before deciding that it's not working.  It took five months before I felt any change and it does help many, many people.   Don't give up on it yet.  You may be able to avoid the expense of Humira altogether.  But, like the others said, if it comes to that, then yes, get it any way you can to avoid that early damage.  The RD is right about that window of opportunity.  Jesse882008-03-11 08:05:19I agree with the others...get it if you can.  It looks like Abbott distributes it in Poland, and here is the contact information for their general office, as well as the website, which is in Polish so I don't know if it contains assistance information:
You can always call the main office and ask them if a patient assistance program is available.
I hope you and your GF are able to find a way to get the meds.
InnerGlow2008-03-11 08:08:35I just want to say you are a kind and considerate boyfriend to look into this for her!You might want to check out to see info about treating RA with antibiotics.  I was 'early onset severe' and it worked for me.  It's also a first line DMARD so hopefully she can avoid the biologics and save them for later.  Also, it's CHEAP.
I was on the Humira for several months before it finally "kicked" in.  She needs more time on the drugs.  Absolutely its worth the $.  but I know how you feel.  If I didn't have insurance with a WONDERFUL (!!) mail in program, I would not be getting my drugs either.