i want to change my mind | Arthritis Information


but i dont want to let her down. I am terrible for not being able to say no to people!

I have 2 cleaning jobs, cleaning houses for 2 people in the village i live in. Now an old lady has asked me to do hers 3 hours a week. Ive said yes and start tomorrow, but i have done the wrong thing. I am so tired all the time it takes me all my time to do my own housework, never mind the 2 jobs i already do! especially a day or 2 after taking my methotrexate, they just seem to knock me groggy.
I dont know how to tell this lady that i dont want to do it! I am so tired all the time i always fall asleep about 1pm ready for the children coming in from school and college, and hubby coming home from work.
I need to start thinking about myself for once, so how can i tell this lady i cannot do it for her!? Do you know of anyone else you might be interested in the job?  If you could explain your health issues to her than say but I have this other girl that can help....... Fabulous idea!

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