She "reserves" injectable MTX | Arthritis Information


Well, you were a good patient today, weren't you?  Just kidding, it sounds like she listened and did make some changes, but it does seem weird she is so against inj. mtx.  I hope the new dose and NSAID helps!

So cool you were 'published' on People's Pharamacy!!!  I knew that was a story they woud like.  I'm going to check it out.
Don't worry about misspelling my name - I have years of Valentine's with everything imaginable....but if we ever speak, I do not put up with Susan or Susannah!!!  Got it, everybody?  LOL. 
That's a shame about the injectible Mtx.  My doc switched me two weeks ago and the difference was instantaneous!!!!!!!!!!!  I'm walking and doing things like I haven't in the last two years.   Cleaning house, going up and down the stairs multiple times a day!!!! No more crazy fatigue, either.  Tell your doctor to do some Evidence Based Decision Making and read the reports that say that inj. mtx has better results than that of the pill form.  It's not used to just allay nausea.  One thing I did note, though, was that I have to take the shot at night because it does make me really tired for several hours after the shot.  Now, I just sleep like a baby!  And if all else fails, next time you see her, tell her you are projectile vomiting!!!LOL
now, when i couldn't take the pills, my doctor never tried me on a shot form.OH, and I have to take the Humira off my list...never started it because the inj. mtx worked so well.I just started the injectible MTX last Sunday and I've got to say, I like the pills better.  I could split the 20 mg. dose so it never bothered my stomach, but the injectible is all at once and I felt sick for several hours that night and had a nasty headache the next day.  And I've had pain all along my left side all day.  So I don't feel like it's helped me at all, even though I'm at 25 mg. now and the injectible delivers 20-25% more medicine to your system.  Unless things improve next week, I'm going to think the injectible was a mistake for me.  So don't feel bad about not trying it yet.  Sometimes the pills are better for some people.  You may be one of them.  Jesse:
Have you tried taking the shot right before bed?  I literally take it and fall into bed.  I wake up groggy for about 15 min, then off I go.  As for the pain in your side, what do you think that is caused by?
Snow, I know that the pills were making you feel sick, but I didn't remember that they weren't managing the RA.  I was surprized that she upped the dose.  O tolerated the mtx pills ok, I moved to injectable because I had to go to 25mg.  RD said your body just won't absorb that much by mouth.  In fact, he said 20 mg was stretching a bit. 
I just think that's weird that she won't let you inject because the pills don't make you miserable enough.  It annoys me.
edited to add a "t" to hink.
Linncn2008-03-11 19:29:37Yeah, RA can be annoying, huh?  Well, I hope it goes well for you Snow.  And the good news is that maybe the pills will make you miserable enough for the shots??  And I guess your dic has her reasons.  Would be interested to know what they are.
I'm feeling better now.  Thanks for asking.
