Jedi Mind Tricks: the beat goes on | Arthritis Information


So, even though I haven't been posting about it I've continued to see my Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner. I've been about 14 times now and I'm still unsure if it's actually doing anything. Well, that's not accurate---I'm sure it's doing SOMETHING but I have no idea what. Last week when I went I got REALLY TIRED about half way through the treatment and when I left I had a terrible flare in my now-mostly-good knee that made me super wobbly. My knee was like jello! That was short lasted and later I felt good again (but still tired).

However, my overall condition continues to improve, be it from my AP, healthy diet, supplements, exercise, TCM, or allotherapy I couldn't say (see my latest post under "Requesting New APers...." if you're curious). I'm pretty good at "reading" people and my TCMP strikes me as a sincere and insightful person so I continue to go. She just learned a new technique that's like a super accelerated JMT. Maybe that's why I got so bloody EXHAUSTED last time I was there? It's an extremely passive therapy that can be performed while the patient is asleep, so all I'm doing is laying there and yet all my energy was completely sucked out of me. So I'm open to the possibility that something profound is happening "inside". No one really understands how the the mind works, but if I can tap into the potential amzing abilities of mine that would be great!

Susanita just posted a couple of mind/body studies on AF.  They're no more than 2 - 3 pages back.  Fascinating stuff.

