Just trying to figure out picture bucket | Arthritis Information


Sorry just trying to figure out how to do this upload thing.  Remember when we were sharing doggie pictures?  I'm trying, still.  Thanks for the photobucket link.

OK, it works!!! Yea!!  This is my goldendoodle Benny at 8 months old ( with Ashlei and the back end of Patrick!).
Thanks for indulging my learning curve!
OK, that one is too big.^ LOL, what a cutie! Is it a golden retriever crossed with a poodle?_popupControl(); Yes, a standard poodle and golden.  They breed smaller doodles using smaller poodles, too.  My husband just wanted a moose.I am not abig dog person, my husband is and if he ever insits on a big dog this is the kind I want! I love it! So cute. We have a tiny toy poodle and she is just the sweetest thing. I usually resize my images to 750 on the wide side or 600 on the long side so that they will fit on the screen.
I also try to make them no bigger (in file size) than 200kb for those that have slow internet.

Putting up no more than a few also helps as it gives the viewer something to concentrate on.
If you put up to many at once the viewer has to spread their attention over two wide a variety.

Putting up one as you have allows full concentration on that one pic..

You have done well and a very play full picture to boot.
I usually prefer not to see the back end though. What a cool dog!  Thanks, Stephen!
I prefer not to see the back end, either, but at least it belongs to the Kindergartener in my family and not the 'doodle!  LOL.  I'm having fun with the picture bucket.  I'm thinking since I have nothing else going in my life right now (work wise), I may take a photog. class.  I have great subjects!
And thanks so much for your beautiful shots.  My husband always asks me if you have put up new ones and comes and checks them out over my shoulder.

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